The Impact of Digitalization on Socio-Economic Development of the Metropolis (on the Example of Almaty)
The purpose of this article is to explore the impact of digitalization in megacities on its socio-economic indicators using the example of Almaty city since it is one of the cities that meets the requirements of a megacity. Digitalization today is one of the factors in the development of both the economy and other areas. Digital transformation taking place in the world affects important industries and areas of all territories, but this is especially true for large cities. Since it ensures the vital activity of these cities, facilitating the life of the population and management processes. In this study, the index of digitalization of the metropolitan economy was calculated, which consists of three sub-indices. Further, a correlation-regression analysis was carried out between digitalization indicators and socio-economic indicators: average monthly salary, gross regional product (GRP), population and life expectancy. Four hypotheses were put forward, of which three were accepted, and one rejected. Economy digitalization has a significant impact on average monthly salary, GRP and population increase. Excel and SPSS programs were used for calculations. Data from the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 2016 to 2021 was used. The results showed a positively strong and high correlation between digitalization and population size, average monthly salary and GRP. And a high negative correlation between life expectancy. The study’s results can be used in the development of megacities, where digitalization programs are being implemented to improve the results of the introduction of digital technologies in the socio-economic sphere.
About the Authors
M. K. ShakibayevKazakhstan
Maxat K. Shakibayev – PhD candidate, Department of Economics and Management
34 A.Moldagulova ave., 030000, Aktobe
K. M. Balginova
Balginova Kuralay Maxatovna – Cand. Sc. (Econ.), Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Management
34 A.Moldagulova ave., 030000, Aktobe
N. T. Shaikenova
Shaikenova Nurgul Tynyshtykovna – PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Accounting and Finance
62 Zhenis ave., 010000, Astana
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For citations:
Shakibayev M.K., Balginova K.M., Shaikenova N.T. The Impact of Digitalization on Socio-Economic Development of the Metropolis (on the Example of Almaty). Economy: strategy and practice. 2023;18(2):57-73.