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New Opportunities and Prerequisites for Cross-Border Cooperation between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan


The purpose of this article is to explore the cross-border processes of neighbouring countries based on the interaction and mutual influence of the economies of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan and to identify new opportunities in the development of border areas. Scientific research has been studied and a review of literary sources reflecting not only the processes of interaction between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan in the field of economics, politics, economic security, education and the formation of infrastructure projects has been conducted. Research and compare the economic development of the two countries, show the economic and resource potential and give a comparative description of the development of border areas. The research methodology was aimed at a comprehensive analysis of cooperation priorities based on a survey of the main documents on cross-border cooperation of international organizations, including a database on measuring and monitoring the effectiveness of corridors; conducting a comprehensive statistical analysis of data from the Bureau of Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Economic Reform of the Republic of Kazakhstan, international rating agencies; assessing the distribution of regions of Kazakhstan in terms of per capita GRP; development and calculation of the coefficient of uneven economic development of the regions of Kazakhstan; conducting a rating of regions of Uzbekistan in terms of GRP per capita

About the Authors

K. A. Turkeeva
Institute of Economics CS MSHE RK

Kulyash A. Turkeeva – Cand. Sc. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Leading Researcher 

28 Shevchenko Str., A25K1B0, Almaty

N. Zh. Brimbetova
Institute of Economics CS MSHE RK

Nursaule Zh. Brimbetova – Cand. Sc. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Leading Researcher

28 Shevchenko Str., A25K1B0, Almaty

A. Sh. Suleimenova
Institute of Economics CS MSHE RK

Arailym Sh. Suleimenova – PhD candidate, Researcher

28 Shevchenko Str., A25K1B0, Almaty

Sh. Zh. Tuyebekova
Institute of Economics CS MSHE RK

Sholpan Zh. Tuyebekova – Researcher

28 Shevchenko Str., A25K1B0, Almaty


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For citations:

Turkeeva K.A., Brimbetova N.Zh., Suleimenova A.Sh., Tuyebekova Sh.Zh. New Opportunities and Prerequisites for Cross-Border Cooperation between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Economy: strategy and practice. 2023;18(3):140-156. (In Russ.)

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