Assessment of Economic Security of Agricultural Exports of Kazakhstan
The agricultural sector of the country’s economy is one of the key areas of economic growth, an element of expanding export potential, which ensures the food and social security of Kazakhstan. Assessment of the probability and degree of threats in the organization of agricultural exports is an important area of research. The research is based on the following scientific methods: generalization, analysis, synthesis, statistical methods, graphical visualization, expert evaluation method. The analysis was based on statistical data from 2019 to 2021. This time interval covers the period before and after the COVID-19 pandemic in the field of agricultural exports. The purpose of the study is to summarize the most important criteria for assessing the likelihood and degree of threats in the organization of agricultural exports. The work highlights the significant stages and procedures of the export organization, and threat assessment indicators are summarized on the basis of expert assessment. The developed and proposed measurable values of indicators will allow the company to assess, monitor the probability and degree of occurrence of threats at the stages of the export process. The application of the assessment methodology will allow exporters and government agencies to rationally organize the infrastructure for exporting agricultural producers’ products.
About the Authors
S. T. AbildaevKazakhstan
Sultan T. Abildaev – PhD of Philological Sciences
7 Suleymenov str., 080012, Taraz
G. K. Iskakova
Gulzat K. Iskakova – PhD of Philological Sciences
7 Suleymenov str., 080012, Taraz
G. E. Amalbekova
Gulmira E. Amalbekova – Cand. Sc. (Econ.)
7 Suleymenov str., 080012, Taraz
D. A. Junussova
Diloram Junussova – Cand. Sc. (Econ.)
7 Suleymenov str., 080012, Taraz
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For citations:
Abildaev S.T., Iskakova G.K., Amalbekova G.E., Junussova D.A. Assessment of Economic Security of Agricultural Exports of Kazakhstan. Economy: strategy and practice. 2023;18(3):157-173. (In Russ.)