
Economy: strategy and practice

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The purpose of this research is to develop methodological approaches to assess the level of innovative development of Kazakhstan’s regions and their approbation, and identify opportunities for the formation of innovative clusters. In this scientific study, the authors have conducted literature review of the category «cluster», and have identified features of the organization of cluster development. The main prerequisites for the development of clusters have identified based on the study and foreign views of the formation of the cluster approach. The research methodology consists in the systematization of indicators and methods for assessing the innovative potential in order to identify innovative clusters in Kazakhstan. According to these methods, it have proposed to group the approaches into two complementary groups. At the same time, the proposed indicators take into account regional specifics and form the basis for capacity building, as well as being simple to calculate, accessible and possible to obtain reliable results. The scientific novelty of the research have provided by the scientific provisions concerning the use of the cluster approach in the interests of modernization of Kazakhstan. It is concluded that the most promising regions for the formation of innovation clusters are Almaty city, Astana city, and some industrial regions (Aktobe, Karaganda and East-Kazakhstan). The results of miscalculations clearly show that these regions have significant potential for a «multiplier effect» on the development of both the agglomeration itself and its geographically approximate zones.

About the Authors

D. S. Mussabalina
Евразийский национальный университет им. Л.Н. Гумилева

A. A. Kireyeva


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For citations:

Mussabalina D.S., Kireyeva A.A. . Economy: strategy and practice. 2019;14(1):149-161. (In Russ.)

Views: 670

ISSN 1997-9967 (Print)
ISSN 2663-550X (Online)