
Economy: strategy and practice

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This article has analyzed the state of the manufacturing industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan. For the development of the manufacturing industry the first condition is the availability of a vast resource base. To study this issue in the theoretical aspect were considered the views of foreign scientists. A comparative analysis of data at the regional and sectoral levels has been carried out in order to identify the potential for export development. In particular, the priority for the state areas of metallurgy, machine building, light industry and food industry were studied, and a SWOT analysis was carried out. At the same time, diagrams are presented for goods with a high share in exports, for the dynamics of the manufacturing industry, for the structure of exports for the manufacturing industry, for production volumes and exports of the manufacturing industry in the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In order to make the manufacturing sector a factor of economic growth, its weight within GDP should reach 40-50%, as in developed countries, in 2017 we have this weight at 17.7%. This year, the share of the processing industry in total exports was 31.6%, but the main content of this share was not final goods, but semi-finished products. These are mainly iron, steel, copper, chemicals, ore, zinc, non-ferrous metals and aluminum. According to the World Bank, the share of exports of high-tech and medium-tech manufacturing goods amounted to no more than 0.41% in all exports of Kazakhstan. Therefore, to be among the 30 most developed countries in the world, Kazakhstan will have to reduce its dependence on the export of raw materials and develop high-tech production as the most important condition. In this regard, Kazakhstan is successfully pursuing a policy of developing production and overcoming commodity dependence. Thus, as a result of the implementation of the State Program on Forced Industrial-Innovative Development (SPAIID), the share of the manufacturing industry in the entire industry of the republic showed a positive trend. The main goal of the program was to increase the competitiveness of the manufacturing industry, increase labor productivity and increase the share of exports of finished goods. he article concludes that the Akmola, Almaty, Karaganda, Turkestan, Pavlodar and East Kazakhstan regions, specializing in processing, have a high potential for export development.

About the Authors

K. A. Turkeeva

O. Sh. Adilkhanov


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For citations:

Turkeeva K.A., Adilkhanov O.Sh. . Economy: strategy and practice. 2019;14(1):181-193. (In Russ.)

Views: 566

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