Analysis of the Entrepreneurial Activity of Regional Universities in the Process of Creation Industrial Clusters
The creation of industrial clusters is a crucial factor in the economic development of a region, enhancing competitiveness, innovation, and economic sustainability. Universities play a pivotal role in the formation and growth of these clusters by providing scientific and technical support and training. The entrepreneurial activities of universities, such as creating startups, conducting applied research and development, and forming strong ties with business and industry, facilitate the transfer of technology and innovation to the real economy. The research methodology is based on a comprehensive analysis of the strategic development priorities of regional universities. It examines the factors that influence effective interactions between universities and regional mining enterprises, as well as strategies that promote the entrepreneurial activities of educational institutions within the context of building and supporting industrial clusters. The methods employed include econometric analysis, surveys, and interviews with representatives from universities and industry, as well as comparative analysis of successful models for creating industrial clusters. The research revealed that the involvement of regional universities in industrial clusters accelerates the implementation of scientific developments and enhances resource efficiency. Successful collaboration models and critical factors for university entrepreneurial activity were identified, along with barriers and recommendations for overcoming them. The study's results can be utilized to develop strategies and government support measures aimed at fostering an innovative economy and increasing regional competitiveness.
About the Authors
G. S. TaikulakovaKazakhstan
Gulnura S. Taikulakova – Cand. Sc. (Econ.), Professor, Chief Researcher, School of Economics and Finance, Almaty Management University.
227 Rozybakieva str., Almaty
M. K. Myrzakhmet
Marat K. Myrzakhmet – Candidate Sc. (Physic. and Math.), Researcher, Scientific supervisor, School of Economics and Finance, Almaty Management University.
227 Rozybakieva str., Almaty
B. K. Myrzakhmet
Bolat K. Myrzakhmet – Candidate Sc. (Physic. and Math.), Researcher, School of Economics and Finance, Almaty Management University.
227 Rozybakieva str., Almaty
G. О. Bazarhanova
Gauhar О. Bazarhanova – PhD student, School of Economics and Finance, Almaty Management University.
227 Rozybakieva str., Almaty
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For citations:
Taikulakova G.S., Myrzakhmet M.K., Myrzakhmet B.K., Bazarhanova G.О. Analysis of the Entrepreneurial Activity of Regional Universities in the Process of Creation Industrial Clusters. Economy: strategy and practice. 2024;19(2):100-122. (In Russ.)