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Analysis of Online User Reviews for Popular Tourist Attractions: Almaty Case


Attractions in the tourism industry are one of the components that motivate tourists to visit destinations, such as entertainment, natural, cultural, and historical richness. For such reasons, people decide to visit unique destinations and spend time there. Almaty, the largest city of Kazakhstan, is one of the significant attraction centers of the Central Asia region, offering tourists unique and pleasant features with several tourist attractions. This study aims to analyze online user reviews of tourist attractions in Almaty, Kazakhstan, using machine learning and text mining methods. The primary focus is on identifying the main thematic clusters of reviews and their sentiment and comparing these themes with the types of attractions: historical, natural, and man-made. A total of 7,515 reviews were collected from the TripAdvisor website. The data was processed using sentiment analysis, topic modeling, and hierarchical clustering methods. The analysis revealed that 38% of the reviews were related to natural attractions, 34% to man-made, and 28% to historical ones. The most positive reviews were associated with natural attractions, while historical and man-made attractions received 79.38% and 81.40% positive reviews, respectively.  In addition, the items that make up these attractions are identified, and their sentiment levels are pointed out. In addition to this situation, visitors have the most positive expressions for natural attractions, especially landscapes and lakes. The findings emphasize the importance of considering review themes to improve the quality of tourist services and to enhance the positive image of Almaty as a tourist destination.

About the Authors

A. K. Uysal
Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University

Alper Kürşat Uysal – PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Engineering

Kestel district, 80 University Str., 07425, Alanya, Antalya

M. A. Başaran
Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University

Murat Alper Başaran - PhD, Professor,  Department of Industrial Engineering

Kestel district, 80 University Str., 07425, Alanya, Antalya

K. Kantarcı
Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University
Russian Federation

Kemal Kantarcı – PhD, Professor, Department of Tourism Management

Kestel district, 80 University Str., 07425, Alanya, Antalya


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For citations:

Uysal A.K., Başaran M.A., Kantarcı K. Analysis of Online User Reviews for Popular Tourist Attractions: Almaty Case. Economy: strategy and practice. 2024;19(3):60-72.

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