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The Role of Education in Developing a Green Economy: A Case Study of Kazakhstan and Turkey


Currently, the issue of education for the development of a ‘green’ economy is among the most pressing global challenges. In this context, this study explores the relationship between CO2 emissions and education levels, represented by government spending on education as a share of GDP, alongside economic and social indicators such as GDP per capita, urbanization ratio, and inflation rate. The analysis focuses on the cases of Kazakhstan and Turkey. The study used a forecasting methodology involving a regression model to determine the relationships between changes in CO2 emissions, educational attainment, and economic and social parameters. A multiple linear regression model was constructed to assess education’s impact, and the ecological footprint and ecological deficit for the two countries studied were determined. The study uses information from the Footprint Data Foundation (Footprint Data Foundation). The research complements the existing theoretical framework on sustainable development, offering an interdisciplinary approach combining economic, environmental and educational aspects. The results show that education and GDP per capita significantly positively impact reducing CO2 emissions in Kazakhstan. The results can be used to justify the need to integrate environmental knowledge into educational programs and to develop more comprehensive models of the interaction of factors affecting the reduction of the carbon footprint. From a practical point of view, the study’s results will provide empirical data and analysis that can be useful for developing educational and economic strategies and more effective government programs aimed at reducing CO2 emissions, improving environmental quality and promoting green growth.

About the Authors

N. Ketenci
Yeditepe University

Natalya Ketencia – Doc. Sc. (Econ.), Professor, Head of the Management Applications and Research Center (YU-VAM)

Kayışdağı, İnönü Mahallesi, Kayışdağı Cd., 34755 Ataşehir/İstanbul

G. Zh. Nurmukhanova
Turan University

Gulnara Zh. Nurmukhanova – Doc. Sc. (Econ.), Professor

16-A Satbayev Str., Almaty


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For citations:

Ketenci N., Nurmukhanova G.Zh. The Role of Education in Developing a Green Economy: A Case Study of Kazakhstan and Turkey. Economy: strategy and practice. 2024;19(4):117-132. (In Russ.)

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