
Economy: strategy and practice

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The purpose of this scientific article is to study the experience of foreign countries in the formation of human capital in the development of knowledge-based economy, the main sources of growth of which are the production of knowledge, the development of information technology, the expansion of R & d, the accumulation of human capital.The comparative and logical-structural analyses, system approach are used in the process of research.The article presents the results of the study of human capital formation in such countries as the United States, South Korea, Japan and China. In the context of a knowledge-based economy in these countries, the priorities are both the development of innovation infrastructure and the development of human capital, especially its intellectual, organizational component. The authors show that the successful development of knowledge-based economy largely depends on investments in human capital, and the high quality of human capital is the basis for the development of scientific and technological innovation. The article emphasizes that state support plays an important role in the field of basic research and scientific and technical development. In addition, the article focuses on the field of education in these countries, which is one of the crucial tools for the acquisition and accumulation of knowledge and skills.Thanks to the development of human capital, workers not only create and distribute new technologies and products, but also successfully master new technologies and contribute to their introduction into production and everyday life, thereby creating a demand for innovation.

About the Authors

Н. Багаева

Қ. Жанғалиева


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For citations:

, . Economy: strategy and practice. 2019;14(2):125-139. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2663-550X (Online)