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Financial technologies trends and how they will shape financial markets


Today fintech research is among trending topics by international scholars. Abundance of research in this sphere causes state of infobesity for users. Goal of the research is to organize research findings and reveal general trends in fintech that can be applied to fintech sphere classified to segments depending on technologies used. Research work covers fintech areas such as: Innovation labs, Platform business, Cloud solutions, Anti Money Laundering, Know Your Customer, Blockchain, Regulatory technologies and Big Data. First, definition of fintech is discussed and fintech opportunities are analysed. Second, those fintech trends are generalised.. As a result seven general trends revealed: Financial markets in pursue of blockchain benefits in speed and wealth management, Regulation and RegTech solving compliance issues, All parties want to master big data, Participants of Fintech industry investing more in Innovation labs, Opportunity cost of acquiring cloud solutions decreasing, fintech industry players consolidating and collaborating, Fintech developers providing platforms for fintech developers, More and more cognitive computing is used in financial services, Automatization of Know Your Customer internal processes and Anti Money Laundering.

About the Authors

B. N. Kobadilov
University of International Business

G. B. Omarov
International university of information technologies

D. D. Yermekbayeva
University of International Business


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For citations:

Kobadilov B.N., Omarov G.B., Yermekbayeva D.D. Financial technologies trends and how they will shape financial markets. Economy: strategy and practice. 2020;15(2):151-157. (In Russ.)

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