Transformation of funding sources during the COVID-19 pandemic
The rapid spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in the world in the second half of 2020 caused a decline in the country’s external economy. The demand crisis in most sectors of the world economy triggered a global collapse of stock market indices and a sharp drop in energy prices.
The period of the pandemic also affected the financial behavior of investors. Recent research on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic confirms the relationship between financial attitudes and behavior, which contains more questions than statements. In this article, the authors studied the behavior of investors during the crisis (COVID-19). The article analyzes the method of an artificial neural network (ANN). The study will help academics and policymakers understand investor behavior and their impact on financial reporting performance.
About the Authors
Yu Rui ZhangKazakhstan
Zhang Yu Rui - Master’s student “Accounting and Audit”
050040, Almaty, Al-Farabi avenue 71
A. Z. Nurmagambetova
Nurmagambetova Azhar Zeinullaevna - PhD, ass. Professor
050040, Almaty, Al-Farabi avenue 71
M. H. Abenova
Abenova Maira Homarovna - corresponding author, PhD, ass. Professor
050000, Almaty, st. Satpayeva 22
N. Berdimurat
Berdimurat Nazimgul - PhD, ass. Professor
050035, Almaty, Zhandosova 55
A. S. Jondelbayeva
Jondelbayeva Aigul Seytzhanovna - PhD, ass. Professor
050035, Almaty, Zhandosova 55
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For citations:
Zhang Yu., Nurmagambetova A.Z., Abenova M.H., Berdimurat N., Jondelbayeva A.S. Transformation of funding sources during the COVID-19 pandemic. Economy: strategy and practice. 2021;16(2):32-45. (In Russ.)