
Economics: the strategy and practice

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Current state and development trends of livestock in the Republic of Kazakhstan


The article is devoted to the study and analysis of the current state of the animal husbandry industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of regions. The indicators of the dynamics of the number of livestock of farm animals for the period 2015-2019 by regions, indicators of productivity in the industry, indicators of the volume of production of meat products are analyzed. The dynamics and structure of costs in the country’s livestock industry are also considered.
Today, one of the most pressing problems in the development of the agro-industrial complex is the low level of labor productivity due to low automation and digitalization of technological processes. The need to meet the demand for livestock products in the domestic market of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as to increase its export resources, poses a challenge for Kazakhstani science and practice to develop, scientifically substantiate and master modern technologies for the production of low-cost, environmentally friendly, competitive products of the industry. They should be resource-saving, aimed at maximizing the use and improvement of the genetic potential of farmed farm animals, adapted to the specific natural and economic conditions of the regions of the republic. The development and mastering of such technologies will make it possible to weaken the negative impact of the industry on the environment, reduce the cost of material resources, and effectively use the available land and water resources [5].
The main problems hindering the effective development of the country’s livestock industry are identified. The promising strategic directions for the development of this industry have been determined. From the point of view of experts of the financial organization, the country has good potential and opportunities to export its beef and pork to China, and the lamb of the Edilbay sheep breed to the countries of the Middle East.

About the Authors

S. M. Yessengaliyeva
Western Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University named after Zhangir Khan

corresponding author, Ph.D., senior teacher


8747292 5229 

M. A. Mansurova
West Kazakhstan Innovation and Technological University

Ph.D., аssociate Professor


8708 180 9689 

A. D. Makhmudov
West Kazakhstan Innovation and Technological University

Ph.D., Associate Professor


8701 726 1851 

L. V. Fedorchenko
West Kazakhstan Innovation and Technological University

associate professor



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Supplementary files


For citations:

Yessengaliyeva S.M., Mansurova M.A., Makhmudov A.D., Fedorchenko L.V. Current state and development trends of livestock in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Economics: the strategy and practice. 2021;16(2):134-144. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2663-550X (Online)