
Economics: the strategy and practice

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Methodology for the formation of an effective model of state strategic planning and management


The purpose of the work is to substantiate the basic methodological provisions that ensure the development of an effective model of state strategic planning and management. The article analyzes the meaning and significance of the currently used concept of “strategic planning”. As a result, it was concluded that in countries with a centralized unitary form of government, it is more correct to use the term “state strategic planning and management” rather than state strategic planning. “ This is due to the fact that regulation of the activities of enterprises in the corporate sector is carried out by indirect methods. In relation to organizations that are funded from the budget, management is carried out by economic and organizational and legal methods of direct action.
The article proposes and substantiates a fundamental model of state strategic planning and management. In addition to traditional elements, which include a mission, a system of goals, a set of means to achieve it, an organizational structure and management mechanisms, it includes an organizational culture. The latter is one of the main and effective strategic tools that ensure consistency in the work of management and the team to achieve established goals. However, in the real practical activities of state bodies, this important element is not included in the regulatory legal documents governing the procedure for the development and implementation of planning, program and project documents. The article provides a system of principles, the requirements of which must be observed when developing strategic documents and the methods corresponding to them. Also, based on the analysis of foreign experience, in particular of the OECD countries, limitations and typical mistakes in the use of strategic planning and management are given.

About the Authors

I. N. Dauranov
Institute of Economics of the KN MES RK

Dauranov Ildar Nailevich - corresponding author, Candidate of Economics, leading researcher at the Institute 

A. S. Kozhumov
ASU under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kozhumov Askhat Sultanbekovich -PhD student


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For citations:

Dauranov I.N., Kozhumov A.S. Methodology for the formation of an effective model of state strategic planning and management. Economics: the strategy and practice. 2021;16(2):21-31. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1997-9967 (Print)
ISSN 2663-550X (Online)