Development of the smart city on the example of aqkol project: concepts and main trends
The purpose of this research work is to analyze the concept of the “smart city” and its characteristics in literature, to assess the application of the concept in Kazakhstan using the example of the “Smart Aqkol” project in order to identify a number of advantages and disadvantages, problems and trends of innovative technologies in the cities of Kazakhstan. In the course of the research, the author carried out a literary review of the concept of “smart city” by domestic and foreign authors, and also considered the experience of implementing “Smart Aqkol” in Akkol. The methodology of the work is to systematize indicators and approaches to the analysis of smart cities projects using the example of “Smart Aqkol”. The author carried out a SWOT analysis to evaluate this project and form recommendations for future projects of smart cities in Kazakhstan. In conclusion of the study, conclusions were formulated about the feasibility of using the experience of “Smart Aqkol”, which can be used as an example for other cities of Kazakhstan in the implementation of similar projects. The study identified the advantages of the implemented experience based on “Smart Aqkol” and provided statistical evidence of the success of this project, which showed a clear example of the fact that in Kazakhstan there are prerequisites for the effective development of smart cities, similar to “Smart Aqkol”.
About the Authors
M. T. UrdabayevKazakhstan
Urdabayev Marat Tagaybekovich - corresponding author, PhD student
71 al-Farabi Avenue, Almaty city, 050040
+7 727 377-33-30
I. D. Turgel’
Russian Federation
Turgel’ Irina Dmitrievna - Vice Director for Research, DSc in Economics, Professor
19 Mira street, Ekaterinburg city, 620002
+7 (343) 375-44-44
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Supplementary files
For citations:
Urdabayev M.T., Turgel’ I.D. Development of the smart city on the example of aqkol project: concepts and main trends. Economy: strategy and practice. 2021;16(2):188-196.