Effective budgeting as a priority of the company›s development
In the modern world, in the conditions of economic instability and fierce competition, companies need to have effective tools that can provide an opportunity to study the current financial condition, compare cash inflows and outflows, approve the right decisions that contribute to the subsequent formation and development of the enterprise, as well as optimize management costs. In a company, such an important tool for financial planning, as well as control, is budgeting.
This article discusses the tasks, goals, methods, disadvantages and advantages of budgeting, illustrates the full continuous cycle of budget management and the stages of development of the concept of budgeting. In addition to the theoretical aspects, the article considers the empirical and methodological aspects. The purpose of this article is to generalize the theoretical provisions and develop the organizational and methodological aspects of the application of budgeting and the impact of effective budgeting on the development of the overall company. The article uses complex and systematic approaches to the processes and phenomena under study, which is achieved through the methods of analysis and synthesis, review and collection of information, statistical analysis, scientific abstraction and visualization.
In the conclusion of the article, the conclusions are made, that a properly formed concept of budgeting, improvement of methods and elements of the budget process will make it possible to manage the capital, as well as a single commercial, and the company as a whole, establishing the sequence of business types, terms and trends of restructuring. This will allow the owners of companies to adapt their business in time to all possible changes in market conditions.
About the Authors
S. B. KashkimbayevKazakhstan
Kashkimbayev Sabit Bogembayevich - corresponding author, Executive MBA UIB
Almaty, Abay Avenue, 8a Nazarbayev Street, Index: 050010
Phone: 87073174400 050010, 87073174400
Researcher ID: AAC-8991-2021
A. N. Zhakupov
Zhakupov Aidar Nurmukhanovich - Doctor of Economics, Auditor, member of the Chamber
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For citations:
Kashkimbayev S.B., Zhakupov A.N. Effective budgeting as a priority of the company›s development. Economy: strategy and practice. 2021;16(2):46-53. https://doi.org/10.51176/1997-9967-2021-2-46-53