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Modernization of Agrarian Economy in the Republic of Kazakhstan


In this article we study what the concept of «modernization» in the agricultural economy entails. Thanks to modernization, the agricultural economy is becoming more efficient based on a new development model. The analysis of the modernization of the agricultural economy is important for understanding the development of the country. And if, in general, the process of modernization in modern Kazakhstan is quite actively studied by specialists, then the chosen aspect-the modernization of the agricultural economy-is poorly studied in domestic science. The study of the agricultural sector in the context of modernization allows us to substantiate conclusions and practical proposals for improving the dynamic development of agriculture and achieving a new quality of life for the rural population. The concept of «modernization of the agricultural economy» is clarified as a multi-faceted process of complex innovations carried out by subjects of both the agricultural economy and industrial subjects, which ensures the transition to a new level of crop productivity and productivity of farm animals. Modernization of the agricultural economy is identical to economic investment. The financial resources in the process of modernization providing and generating are investments. The research logic reflects the author’s view of the modern concept of modernization in the agrarian economy, considering the integration between development and modernization into a new format. The starting point of this scientific article is the determination of the role and place of modernization in agriculture to ensure food security and independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

About the Authors

G. K. Kurmanova
West Kazakhstan Innovative-technological University

Gulnara K. Kurmanova - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting and Finance 

N. Nazarbayev Ave. 194, 090000, Uralsk, Kazakhstan 

B. B. Sukhanberdina
West Kazakhstan Innovative-technological University

Bibigul B. Sukhanberdina - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting and Finance

N. Nazarbayev Ave. 194, 090000, Uralsk, Kazakhstan


B. A. Urazova
West Kazakhstan Innovative-technological University

Bakit A. Urazova - Master of Economics, Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics and Management

N. Nazarbayev Ave. 194, 090000, Uralsk, Kazakhstan


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For citations:

Kurmanova G.K., Sukhanberdina B.B., Urazova B.A. Modernization of Agrarian Economy in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Economy: strategy and practice. 2021;16(3):35-50.

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