
Economics: the strategy and practice

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Export Priorities of Agro-Industrial Complex West-Kazakhstan Region


The purpose of this article is to conduct a study of the resource potential and export opportunities of the agroindustrial complex of West Kazakhstan region. Monographic, abstract-logical and economic-statistical methods were used during the research. Based on the principles of classical economic theory, institutional theory, the concepts of export potential of the agro-food complex and food industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan were investigated, and the specifics of its formation were revealed, taking into account the object of research. On the basis of economic and statistical methods, we assessed the trends and prospects of growth of food production and export potential of Kazakhstan’s agro-food complex. In addition to some specific methods, the following scientific approaches to the analysis of the problem were used: dialectics, abstraction, deduction, induction, analysis and synthesis. The article provides an analysis of the resource potential of export opportunities of the agro-industrial complex of West Kazakhstan region. The study of exports of agro-industrial complex products for the last 5 years is presented, the emphasis is placed on the problems of non-tariff regulation of exports of agro-industrial complex products of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Results of the study: Based on the analysis of the level of diversification of exports of the RK in the context of aggregated commodity groups, the authors show that the highest concentration of exports is observed in the export of mineral products, and a stable upward trend in diversification is observed in the export of products of animal and plant origin.

About the Authors

A. D. Ibyznova
Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian-Technical University

Aizhan D. Ibyzhanova – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Head of the Higher School of Economics and Audit 

51 Zhangir Khan Str., 040009, Uralsk

E. A. Rustenova
Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian-Technical University

Elvira A. Rustenova - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Higher School of Economics and Audit 

51 Zhangir Khan Str., 040009, Uralsk

A. K. Dzhakupova
Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian-Technical University

Asel K. Dzhakupova - Master of Economic Sciences; Senior Lecturer at the Higher School of Economics and Audit 

51 Zhangir Khan Str., 040009, Uralsk


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For citations:

Ibyznova A.D., Rustenova E.A., Dzhakupova A.K. Export Priorities of Agro-Industrial Complex West-Kazakhstan Region. Economics: the strategy and practice. 2021;16(4):62-75. (In Kazakh)

Views: 597

ISSN 1997-9967 (Print)
ISSN 2663-550X (Online)