Social Entrepreneurship in the World During the Pandemic: State and Development
The current economic crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic is unprecedented, as it has affected many sectors of the economy. At the same time, first, the SME sector suffered from an economic crisis. The main burden of this crisis falls on the social sphere since it must not only adapt to new challenges but also develop following the requirements of the time. Therefore, the key tasks of today are a revision of the public health system, education, targeted social policy aimed at increasing incomes and improving the quality of life of the population, consolidation of efforts of the state, business, and NGOs to counter new challenges, digitalization of the economy, development of information technologies and their impact on the Kazakh labor market, rural development and modernization of social infrastructure. The world needs the power of social entrepreneurship-hyperactivity, new social changes, which excludes the traditional practice of solving social problems. The whole world is at the crossroads of many crises, so it is necessary to invest in convergent solutions that social entrepreneurs can implement. In these conditions, stimulating the development of social entrepreneurship becomes a fundamental tool for initiating social changes. The article analyzes the state of social entrepreneurship in the context of a pandemic, provides successful examples of solving social problems faced in the world, shows the urgent need for social entrepreneurship in healthcare and other areas as an alternative mechanism for solving social problems, and conducted research on the development of social entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan.
About the Authors
K. B. KanapiyanovaKazakhstan
Kamshat B. Kanapiyanova – PhD candidate
71 al-Farabi Ave., 050040, Almaty
R. M. Ruzanov
Rashid M. Ruzanov – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Deputy Director for General Issues
28 Shevchenko Str., A25K1B0, 050000, Almaty
M. S. Dosmanbetova
Manshuk S. Dosmanbetova– PhD
8a Abay ave., 050010, Almaty
M. K. Kozhakhmetova
Maral K. Kozhakhmetova – Candidate of Economic Sciences, professor of the Department «Finance and analysis of data»
55 Zhandosova str., 050035, Almaty
G. N. Appakova
Gulmira N.Appakova – professor of the Department “Accounting, Audit and evaluation”, PhD
55 Zhandosova str., 050035, Almaty
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For citations:
Kanapiyanova K.B., Ruzanov R.M., Dosmanbetova M.S., Kozhakhmetova M.K., Appakova G.N. Social Entrepreneurship in the World During the Pandemic: State and Development. Economy: strategy and practice. 2021;16(4):102-115. (In Kazakh)