Geography of Human Capital in Republic of Kazakhstan: a Comparison Between Regions
In the context of the transition of the national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan to an innovative type of development, the issues of formation and development of human capital are becoming increasingly important. This research is devoted to assessing the regional differentiation of human capital in Kazakhstan and identifying the reasons that shape it. On the basis of factor analysis, a system of statistical indicators of human capital development level was developed. Because human capital is formed throughout the life of the population, the study was carried out according to the stages of accumulation, formation, and use of this capital. This article provides an assessment of human capital main indicators in the regions for 2010-2020. A method for measuring human capital based on quantitative and qualitative indicators of human development using the index method is proposed. The methodology includes economic, social, demographic, and environmental indicators of human capital. An integral index of the human capital of Kazakhstan’s regions has been developed, which includes four components and allows one to compare the level of human capital in regions of Kazakhstan. The typology of regions according to the level of human capital development is presented. A geodatabase of regions’ human capital has been created. The integral index of the human capital of Kazakhstan’s regions allows identifying territorial disproportions. Based on the results of the research, conclusions were drawn about the relationship between the level of human capital development and the level of socio-economic development of the Kazakhstan regions.
About the Authors
G. N. NyussupovaKazakhstan
Gulnara N. Nyussupova - Doctor of Geographic Sciences, professor, Head of the Department of Geography, Land Management and Cadastre
71 al-Farabi Ave., 050040, Almaty
G. B. Aidarkhanova
Gaukhar B. Aidarkhanova – PhD student, lecturer of the Department of Geography, Land Management and Cadastre
71 al-Farabi Ave., 050040, Almaty
A. A. Tokbergenova
Aigul A. Tokbergenova – Candidate of Geographic Sciences, Docent, Deputy Head of Department on academic affairs and educational work
71 al-Farabi Ave., 050040, Almaty
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For citations:
Nyussupova G.N., Aidarkhanova G.B., Tokbergenova A.A. Geography of Human Capital in Republic of Kazakhstan: a Comparison Between Regions. Economy: strategy and practice. 2021;16(4):160-173. (In Kazakh)