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The Main Trends in the Formation of the Internet Space and Information Society in Kazakhstan


The article reveals the problems of the information space of Kazakhstan, which is undergoing significant changes related both to the political events that have recently occurred in the world and to the rapid development and widespread use of new Internet technologies. Today, the telecommunications services sector is one of the main directions of the economy, on the effective operation of which the functioning and coordinated work of all state systems depend. The development of the telecommunications services sector is not only a key factor of economic growth but also a necessary condition for the development of the country’s economy in the context of globalization. The purpose of the study is to analyze the data of the main agents of the information environment, the level of development of the subjects of the telecommunications sector and to determine the main trends in the development of the Internet space. The methodological basis of the study was made by general scientific methods of economic, statistical, logical, and analytical analysis, the system method, synthesis. Based on the conducted research, it turns out that the development of the information environment is an intersectoral, interdepartmental, and state task that requires coordination of the actions of many participants in this process. The influence of the information environment on the business community of the country and the economy of Kazakhstan has increased and requires an understanding of the trajectories of its development. The interest to researchers of the information environment and business practitioners interested in the market of Kazakhstan.

About the Author

S. Sh. Oralova
Turan University

Saltanat Sh. Oralova – P h D student

16 Satbayev str., 050013, Almaty


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For citations:

Oralova S.Sh. The Main Trends in the Formation of the Internet Space and Information Society in Kazakhstan. Economy: strategy and practice. 2022;17(1):50-61.

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