Settlement of the population in Kazakhstan: principles, features and prospective development
The economy of Kazakhstan has an undoubted regional orientation, which is typical for countries with a large territory and a high level of socio-economic disproportions between individual regions of the country. The lack of knowledge of the conditions, factors, indicators and methodological approaches to determining the reproduction and distribution of the population in the regions of Kazakhstan determined the relevance of developing a concept and a map of the actual placement of the population in the regions of Kazakhstan.
The purpose of the study is to analyze and identify the trend of modern reproduction and resettlement of the population in the regions of Kazakhstan. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the development of a system of conditions and indicators for the reproduction and resettlement of the population, which can serve as a methodological basis for determining the level and potential prerequisites for the formation of rational population resettlement in the regions of the country. As a result of the study, trends in modern reproduction and resettlement of the population in the regions of Kazakhstan were identified, indicators of population distribution were analyzed regarding regional differences in the structure of the life support of the population, the ratio of the rural and urban population. Based on the study of the problem, a methodology for analyzing the system of population settlement was developed. The authors made a classification of the system of population settlement according to characteristics and analyzed population reproduction (trends in the demographic process and internal migration).
About the Authors
N. Zh. BrimbetovaKazakhstan
Nursaule Zh. Brimbetova, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher
tel.: 87055502351
Institute of Economics
28 Shevchenko Str.
Z. K. Chulanova
Zaure K. Chulanova, PhD in Economics, Leading Researcher
Institute of Economics
28 Shevchenko Str.
M. S. Bekturganova
Makpal S. Bekturganova, PhD, Leading Researcher
Institute of Economics
28 Shevchenko Str.
G. G. Seitkan
Galiya G. Seitkan, PhD student
71 al-Farabi Ave.
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For citations:
Brimbetova N.Zh., Chulanova Z.K., Bekturganova M.S., Seitkan G.G. Settlement of the population in Kazakhstan: principles, features and prospective development. Economy: strategy and practice. 2022;17(2):82-97.