Border Settlements of Kazakhstan as an Impulse to Balanced Territorial Development
The article is devoted to the development of the border territories of Kazakhstan, in particular, the study of the border territories of settlements of the North Kazakhstan region. The author presents his own vision of the development of border depressive regions and develops proposals for improving state policy and management of regional development of territorial spaces. An organizational and institutional mechanism for the development of border territories based on the formation of special economic zones as investment and innovation platforms for the development of production and infrastructure facilities is proposed. The problem with the formation of such special zones is the lack of economic resources consisting of production and human potential. The Northern macroregion has great potential in the development of the agro-industrial complex, however, the lack of human resources, due to large migration to neighboring regions of Russia and other regions of Kazakhstan, as well as the deterioration of the socioeconomic situation of the population, due to a lack of investment and budgetary resources, environmental problems can lead to the extinction of many settlements of the North Kazakhstan region. The solution to such problems, while remaining the prerogative of the state, requires their solution at the present moment. The development should be based on cross-border cooperation of neighboring countries based on the modeling of foreign economic relations based on the functional features of borders in the new conditions of cross-border and integration interaction of countries.
About the Authors
K. A. TurkeevaKazakhstan
Kulyash A. Turkeeva – candidate of economic sciences, associate professor
28 Shevchenko Str., A25K1B0, Almaty
A. K. Omarov
Akedil K. Omarov – PhD candidate, researcher
28 Shevchenko Str., A25K1B0, Almaty
N. A. Abilkaiyr
Nazerke A. Abilkaiyr – PhD candidate
28 Shevchenko Str., A25K1B0, Almaty
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For citations:
Turkeeva K.A., Omarov A.K., Abilkaiyr N.A. Border Settlements of Kazakhstan as an Impulse to Balanced Territorial Development. Economy: strategy and practice. 2022;17(3):96-107.