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Analysis of Innovation Management in Higher Educational Institutions Based on Perceptions Formed among the Teaching Personnel


The workforce’s competency defines the efficiency of production in the country and, therefore, the welfare of the population. Higher education institutions play a considerable role in this as they prepare the workforce for the organizations in the country. Designing a high-quality workforce requires universities to keep up with the new technologies and innovations in higher education. Thus, managing innovation is the highest priority for higher education institutions. The present article aims to investigate the perceptions developed among the teaching personnel of higher education institutions, which will serve as an evaluator of innovation management efficiency. The research method has been adapted to fit the research problem and goals. The limitations of the research are that it is limited to several universities located in one city and may not fully reflect the situation in other cities. To fulfill this aim, an expert interview has been prepared, which assesses the perception and attitude towards innovations and innovation management efficiency. The analysis incorporated answers of 20 respondents employed at higher education institutions. The expert interview answers have been categorized and synthesized to reveal the hidden patterns and prepare practical recommendations for policymakers and future researchers. The analysis findings are that the teaching personnel has sufficient knowledge of the innovations in the educational sphere. Moreover, they are willing to engage in innovative processes by creating or using existing solutions. However, the study reveals funding-related issues and a necessity to adjust the university remuneration and internal policy to motivate greater engagement in innovation management.

About the Authors

D. M. Mukhiyayeva
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Dinara M.Mukhiyayeva – PhD

2 Satpayeva Str., 010000, Nur-Sultan

Sh. T. Shayakhmetova
Institute of applied research of the Academy of public administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Sharafat T. Shayakhmetova – doctor of state and local management

33a Abay Str., 010000, Nur-Sultan

Zh. S. Utegenova
Kokshetau Shoqan Ualikhanov University

Zhuldyz S. Utegenova – PhD

76 Abay Str., 020000, Kokshetau


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For citations:

Mukhiyayeva D.M., Shayakhmetova Sh.T., Utegenova Zh.S. Analysis of Innovation Management in Higher Educational Institutions Based on Perceptions Formed among the Teaching Personnel. Economy: strategy and practice. 2022;17(3):184-194.

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