Social Consequences of the Growth of Kazakhstan’s Megapolises and Recommendations for Overcoming
The purpose of the article was to study changes in living conditions in megapolises as they grow, identify negative social consequences and develop recommendations for overcoming them. Methods of retrospective analysis, logical and comparative analysis, generalizations, methods of descriptive statistics, index, graphic, methods for assessing the improvement of the housing stock of megacities, the demographic capacity of the city were used. The analysis of changes in living conditions in Kazakhstan’s megacities as they grow is carried out. The social consequences of the growth of megacities are revealed: a decrease in the standard of living of residents of the southern capital; an increase in demand for housing and its higher cost; a decrease in the level of well-being in Almaty; poor environmental conditions, an increase in atmospheric pollution in conditions of high population density; a higher level of mortality of the urban population compared to the rural population during the pandemic; an increase in destructive behavior of young people. Recommendations are given to overcome the negative social consequences of uncontrolled urbanization. The necessity of developing a Strategy for the development of Kazakhstani cities is substantiated. Measures are recommended: to solve the problem of affordable housing for young families, specialists, orphans; to create jobs, modernize transport, communal and social infrastructure, to foster patriotism and social responsibility.
About the Authors
A. TleuberdinovaKazakhstan
Aizhan Tleuberdinova – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Chief Researcher
N. K. Nurlanova
Nurlanova N.K. – doctor of economic sciences, professor
str. Kurmangazy 29, 050010, Almaty
F. Alzhanova
Farida Alzhanova – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Chief Researcher
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For citations:
Tleuberdinova A., Nurlanova N.K., Alzhanova F. Social Consequences of the Growth of Kazakhstan’s Megapolises and Recommendations for Overcoming. Economy: strategy and practice. 2022;17(4):58-75. (In Russ.)