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The Impact of Intellectual Potential on the Development of the Regions of Kazakhstan


The purpose of the study is to check which of our selected factors most influences the decision to study in certain regions of Kazakhstan. A complete higher education indicates the professional and cultural level of a significant part of the population, especially young people. It is not only an indicator of economic growth but also of social stability. A high level of development of the education system is the basis for the stability of any state, as well as the potential for its further development. During the study, the main sources were analyzed and based on which the methodology chosen. The methodological basis for us was multivariate regression analysis using the EViews10 data analysis package program. The research was based on data from the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2021. Based on a multifactorial analysis, five independent factors were selected, but in the course of the study, one factor was not influential, it was: the graduation of students from higher education organizations. Of the estimated four factors, three turned out to be the most influential, these are the number of the teaching staff of higher education organizations, the level of youth unemployment (15-28 years) and the number of higher educational institutions. The calculations showed that the selected factors showed different influences in different regions. As a result of the study, recommendations were developed on state policy in the field of education to increase the educational potential of the regions. The results of the study can be used by regional higher education institutions, as well as state educational management structures.

About the Authors

P. Zh. Orynbet
Kenzhegali Sagadiyev University of International Business

Perizat Zh. Orynbet – PhD, Head of the Department of Scientific Research Management

8a Abay Ave., 050010, Almaty

G. S. Nygymetov
M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University

Galym S. Nygymetov – candidate DBA

8 Korgalzhyn highway, 010000, Astana

A. A. Tsoy
Kenzhegali Sagadiyev University of International Business

Alexander A. Tsoy - researcher

8a Abay Ave., 050010, Almaty


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For citations:

Orynbet P.Zh., Nygymetov G.S., Tsoy A.A. The Impact of Intellectual Potential on the Development of the Regions of Kazakhstan. Economy: strategy and practice. 2023;18(1):103-115. (In Kazakh)

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