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Management Decisions under Uncertainty Using Controlling Tools


The management decision performs three critical functions: guiding, organizing and motivating. It is obvious that the growth of the university’s potential largely depends on management processes and on the effectiveness of management decisions made in the activities of the staff of the educational organization. As practice shows in modern conditions, not many domestic leaders are familiar with the theory of development and adoption of managerial decisions. The study analyzes the main approaches to the process of making managerial decisions at the university. The expected results are related to the study of theoretical approaches and the determination of the possibility of using controlling tools. The study was conducted based on primary data that were collected through a questionnaire. The survey of respondents was conducted among the teaching staff at Almaty Management University. To solve the problem, the classic Pareto Chart tool and the modern Tree Diagram tool were used, which showed different results. In the course of the study, hypotheses were put forward, some of which needed practical confirmation. The results showed that there is no standard algorithm for the process of making managerial decisions in all universities in Kazakhstan. The resulting decision-making algorithm is not ideal and, with mass implementation, will lead to an increase in risks in the personnel management of educational organizations. However, the method of building control itself can be used by other universities since the scheme of primary and new controlling methods considered by the authors is quite flexible. 

About the Authors

N. V. Koshkina
Almaty Management University

st. Pobedy, 85308015, Belgorod

227 Rozybakiyev str., 050060, Almaty

O. V. Koshkina
аl-Farabi Kazakh National University

Olga V. Koshkina – Senior Lecturer

71 аl-Farabi Ave., A17B2Y21, Almaty

B. A. Tkhorikov
Belgorod State National Research University
Russian Federation

Boris A. Tkhorikov – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Management and  Marketing

st. Pobedy, 85308015, Belgorod


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For citations:

Koshkina N.V., Koshkina O.V., Tkhorikov B.A. Management Decisions under Uncertainty Using Controlling Tools. Economy: strategy and practice. 2023;18(1):165-179.

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