
Economy: strategy and practice

Кеңейтілген іздеу

Қазақстан Республикасының солтүстік аймақтарындағы демографиялық мәселелері

Толық мәтін:

Авторлар туралы

К. Бодаухан
Казахский агротехнический университет им. А. Сейфуллина

Н. Шайкенова
Казахский агротехнический университет им. А. Сейфуллина

А. Шилманова
Кызылординский университет имени Коркыт Ата

М. А. Баяндин
Международный Таразский инновационный институт имени Шерхана Муртазы

Қ. Жанерке
Назарбаев университет

Әдебиет тізімі

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2. Aldangarkyzy, A., Abdiraiymova, G., & Bodaukhan, K. (2023). Analysis of the demographic situation of the population of Kazakhstan during the years of independence (1991-2021). The Journal of Psychology & Sociology, 1(84),69-78.

3. Bodaukhan, K., Zhenshan, D., & Zholmukhanova, A.Z. (2022). Internal migration and its impact on the development of social infrastructure in rural areas of Kazakhstan. Problems of AgriMarket, 8(2), 194-206.

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9. Guo, Z., Gietel-Basten, S., & Gu, B. (2018). The lowest fertility rates in the world? Evidence from the 2015 Chinese 1% sample census. China Population and Development Studies.

10. Herrero-Jáuregui, C., & Concepción, E. D. (2023). Effects of counter-urbanization on Mediterranean rural landscapes. Landscape Ecology, 38, 3695–3711.

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12. Karra, M., Canning, D., & Wilde, J. (2017). The Effect of Fertility Decline on Economic Growth in Africa: A Macrosimulation Model. Population and Development Review, 43, 237–263.

13. Kelly, M., Nguyen, M., &Triandafyllidou, A. (2023). Why Migrants Stay in Small and Mid-sized Cities: Analytical and Comparative Insights. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 24, 1013-1027.

14. Kislitsyna, V., & Palkina, M.V. (2019). Development of Innovative Activities in Depressed Regions. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Far East Con” (ISCFEC 2018).

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17. Tarasyev, A. A., & Jabbar, J. B. (2018). Dynamic Modeling of Labor Migration Impact on the Economic System Development. IFAC-Papers On Line, 51(32), 407–412.

18. Thiede, B. C., Brown, D. L., Sanders, S. R., Glasgow, N., & Kulcsar, L. J. (2016). A Demographic Deficit? Local Population Aging and Access to Services in Rural America, 1990-2010. Rural Sociology, 82(1), 44–74.

19. Wang, H., Dill, S., Zhou, H., Ma, Y., Xue, H., Sylvia, S.Y., Smith, K.M., Boswell, M., Medina, A., Loyalka, P., Abby, C., Friesen, D., Rose, N., Guo, Y., & Rozelle, S. (2021). Health, economic, and social implications of COVID‐19 for China’s rural population. Agricultural Economics (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 52, 495 - 504.


Дәйектеу үшін:

Бодаухан К., Шайкенова Н., Шилманова А., Баяндин М.А., Жанерке Қ. Қазақстан Республикасының солтүстік аймақтарындағы демографиялық мәселелері. Economy: strategy and practice. 2024;19(1):19-32.

For citation:

Bodaukhan K., Shaikenova N., Shilmanova A., Bayandin M., Kochiygit Zh. Demographic Problems in the Northern Regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Economy: strategy and practice. 2024;19(1):19-32.

Қараулар: 661

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