
Economy: strategy and practice

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Ways to Increase the Efficiency of Investment Activities of Insurance Companies in Uzbekistan


This article aims to develop scientific and methodological proposals and practical recommendations to improve the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of investment activities of insurance organizations. The work uses scientific methods for studying the processes of economic reality - systematic analysis, generalization, grouping, observation, logical and comparative methods of analysis, abstract logical thinking, comparative analysis, mathematical modeling, econometric analysis, actuarial calculations, etc. Based on the systematization of information on investment activities, investment policies, and experience of insurance companies in developed countries, the use of statistical and mathematical methods of data processing, diversification of the financial and investment activities of insurance companies, recommendations, and indicators used to assess the effectiveness of insurance companies have been developed, identified and classified into individual areas, external and internal factors influencing the financial stability of insurance organizations, the possibilities of increasing the amount of profit they receive are substantiated, proposals are given to improve the methodology for managing the investment portfolio of insurance companies, and prospects for the development of modern options for investment activities are identified. The effective organization of the mechanism for monitoring the financial stability of insurance companies allows for minimizing the level of missed opportunities in achieving the company’s strategic goals based on econometric forecasting of financial stability and assessment of financial risks. In order to strengthen the role of insurance companies in increasing the investment potential of the country Uzbekistan, it is proposed to develop the securities market, the market for government, corporate, and municipal bonds.

About the Author

N. M. Babaeva
Kokand State Pedagogical Institute

Nargiza M. Babaeva – Doc. Sc. (Econ.), Vice-Rector of Academic Affairs

23 Turon str., 150700, Kokand


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For citations:

Babaeva N.M. Ways to Increase the Efficiency of Investment Activities of Insurance Companies in Uzbekistan. Economy: strategy and practice. 2024;19(1):116-135. (In Russ.)

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