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The efficiency and effectiveness of public policy using the system of indicators


The multi-vector development of the Republic of Kazakhstan depends on such a direction of financial policy as a highly effective use of public financial resources in order to achieve the planned macroeconomic indicators. Issues of efficiency of public expenditure management are the quintessence of budget policy in all countries, regardless of the country’s budget structure.The achieved level of review of the theoretical and empirical base outlines the scientific field justifying the mechanism for implementing budget policy based on the indicator system. The methodological basis of the research is a set of general scientific analytical methods aimed to achieve the goal of the task (analysis, synthesis), modern methods of economic and statistical analysis.In the article, based on the statistical data in the field of Civil budget, a variable analysis of financial stability indicators, connected with the local budget, is carried out, also there is a correlation between actual budget expenditures and the impact on social policy. There are following indicators used in dynamic calculations - indicators of budget symmetry, indicators of revenue potential, indicators of budget security. The threshold values of indicators, namely, revenue potential, budget security for the budget of the West Kazakhstan region, are also quantitatively calculated and justified. Budget indicators allow us to determine three levels of financial condition impacting on local budget.It can be argued that result aimed at budgeting (hereinafter referred to as RBВ) is a method of managing budget expenditures that leads to the targeted distribution of budget funds on the main points of state policy, through the provision of budget services to organizations and the population in order to achieve effective results in accordance with the budget expenditures made.

About the Authors

G. K. Kurmanova
West Kazakhstan Innovative-technological University

B. B. Sukhanberdina
West Kazakhstan Innovative-technological University

B. A. Urazova
West Kazakhstan Innovative-technological University

S. A. Mashanova
West Kazakhstan Innovative-technological University

S. D. Salimbaeva
West Kazakhstan Innovative-technological University


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For citations:

Kurmanova G.K., Sukhanberdina B.B., Urazova B.A., Mashanova S.A., Salimbaeva S.D. The efficiency and effectiveness of public policy using the system of indicators. Economy: strategy and practice. 2020;15(3):39-51. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1997-9967 (Print)
ISSN 2663-550X (Online)