Conceptual model of public-private partnership in tourism
The development of the tourism sector in Kazakhstan can be facilitated by the optimization of its management on the basis of public-private partnership, as one of the most effective forms of mobilizing the state and business to solve the problems of tourism development.
The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the theoretical foundations of the mechanism of public-private partnership and the specifics of public-private partnership in tourism, in particular. Based on the analysis of foreign, Russian and domestic sources, a number of approaches to the formulation of the term «public-private partnership» were identified. The advantages of partnership for the state and business in the field of tourism are determined.
The purpose of the study is theoretical review of the role and significance of public-private partnerships for the development of the tourism industry and the design of a conceptual model of public-private partnerships in tourism.
The result of the research was the design of a conceptual model of public-private partnership for the tourism industry, which can serve as a theoretical and methodological basis for the implementation of a strategic course for the development of the tourism industry. The research results can be used in the development of state and regional programs for the development of the tourism industry.
About the Authors
A. TleuberdinovaKazakhstan
corresponding author, Doctor of Economic Sciences
050000, Almaty, Kurmangazy 29, 87014394931
ResearcherID AAQ-1109-2020
A. Aldabergenova
1st year doctoral student in the specialty «State and local administration»
100000, Academic 9, Karaganda, 87012319959
Researcher ID : UAAB-3590-2019
D. Salauatova
Master of Science, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship
100000, Academic 9, Karaganda, 87015803674
Researcher ID : U-5859-2018
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For citations:
Tleuberdinova A., Aldabergenova A., Salauatova D. Conceptual model of public-private partnership in tourism. Economy: strategy and practice. 2021;16(1):64-80. (In Russ.)