
Economics: the strategy and practice

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Modern trends in the formation of economic and organizational foundations for the construction and development of the digital economy in the Republic of Kazakhstan


The article discusses modern trends in the formation of economic and organizational foundations for the construction and development of the digital economy in Kazakhstan considering the ongoing market reforms. The object of the research is the trends in the digitalization of the economy. The subject of the research is the economic and organizational foundations of digitalization. Particular attention is focused on the fundamental foundations of the transformation of the economy from a traditional type to an economy based on digital information, the production of Internet of things. As part of the research, the trends in the functioning of the leading subsectors of the digital economy, such as the production of computers, digital equipment, digital goods and services, and software have analyzed. The assessment of the direct contribution of digitalization processes to the GDP of the Republic of Kazakhstan and economic growth was also carried out. As the leading organizational foundations for the construction and development of the digital economy, the infrastructural foundations of providing the economy with digital communications are identified and analyzed, the trends in the formation of the institutional foundations of digital business and entrepreneurship based on the use of the global Internet and its derivatives in the system of business processes of Kazakhstani enterprises, firms, companies are discussed. The study, on the one hand, allows us to form a general comprehensive understanding of the current state of formation and functioning of the digital economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the types of functioning digital markets, and on the other hand, it allows us to determine the totality of existing potential problems and reserves for the development of digitalization of the economic system in the near strategic perspective. The main research methods were analytical and synthetic, statistical, computational, and analytical research methods, the method of hypotheses.

About the Authors

Y. Beisembay
Toraighyrov University

Beisembay Yersultan - corresponding author, PhD candidate of the Department of Economics

140000, Pavlodar city, Lomova street 64

T. Y. Ernazarov
Toraighyrov University

Ernazarov Takhir Yazdurdievich - candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of economics, professor of the Department of Economics

140000, Pavlodar city, Lomov street 64


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For citations:

Beisembay Y., Ernazarov T.Y. Modern trends in the formation of economic and organizational foundations for the construction and development of the digital economy in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Economics: the strategy and practice. 2021;16(1):93-105.

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