Human Development in Kazakhstan: Problems and Methods of Analysis
Human potential assessment involves determining a person’s ability to live a healthy, long, and dignified life. The purpose of this article is to analyze the dynamics of the main indicators for measuring the human development index in Kazakhstan. The information base for scientific research was official statistical information, articles in domestic and foreign scientific publications. Within the framework of the study, general scientific, including analytical, statistical, graphical methods were used with the help of comparative, logical analysis tools. Within the framework of the analytical method, an analysis of indicators of the quality of life was carried out, including several blocks. The application of the analytical method made it possible to determine the trends of human development, assess the health, education level, and income level of people. Within the framework of the statistical method, the analysis and concretization of individual indicative indicators were carried out. During the study, a block of indicators for assessing the human development index (hereinafter referred to as the HDI) was identified, and their analysis and differentiation of levels by regions and types of localities was carried out. The analysis of the real gross product per capita and the indicator of real money income in Kazakhstan was carried out. As a result of the analysis of the quintile division of the population into groups, one of the main reasons for the increase in the existing inequality in income distribution was identified as the imperfection of the existing system of income redistribution in the economy.
About the Authors
S. A. KozhabaevaKazakhstan
Saule A. Kozhabaeva - сandidate of Economic Sciences
7 Zhubanova Str, 010000, Nur-Sultan
B. G. Mukan
Baurzhan G. Mukan - Managing Director
65 Temirkazyk Str., 010000, Nur-Sultan
R. K. Yelshibayev
Rakymzhan K. Yelshibayev
55 Zhandosova Str., 050035, Almaty
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For citations:
Kozhabaeva S.A., Mukan B.G., Yelshibayev R.K. Human Development in Kazakhstan: Problems and Methods of Analysis. Economy: strategy and practice. 2021;16(4):174-187. (In Russ.)