
Economics: the strategy and practice

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Paper discusses the importance and role of innovations in healthcare system, the ways of managing innovative activities in healthcare industries. Moreover, authors present the evaluation methods of innovative activities` efficiency in healthcare system.Healthcare system of Kazakhstan identified by authors as one of the drivers of domestic socio-economic grow and as industry which has high level of innovative attractiveness. Study found that healthcare system supported by government and attracts a lot of investment, therefore there are launched big amount of innovations, but they doesn`t managed efficiently. Authors found some disadvantages related to managing innovations in healthcare system. Precisely, there are lack of methods, which can measure efficiency of innovations in healthcare system. Study supports unique formula which help to reveal is your investment was successful or no and identify the helpfulness of interbedded innovations in healthcare system.

About the Authors

M. .. Spanov

Zh. .. Kusmoldayeva


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For citations:

Spanov M..., Kusmoldayeva Zh... EVALUATING THE EFFICIENCY OF INNOVATIVE MANAGEMENT IN KAZAKHSTANI HEALTHCARE SYSTEM. Economics: the strategy and practice. 2018;(4):110-117. (In Russ.)

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