Food Security as the Basis of Economic Development of Countries
The well-being of the population of all countries depends on various factors, the main one of which is ensuring food security in connection with which the article’s topic is relevant. The main study’s main purpose is to study the food security problems individual countries and regions and identify ways to solve them. When determining the level of food security, it is proposed to use a methodology that includes the study of the demand for food, which would take into account all regional and national characteristics. During the study, methods and techniques were used, the main of which were comparison and statistical analysis, in which a comparison and analysis of the production of products on average per person, the average per capita consumption of food per capita over the past five years, etc. were carried out. The article provides a literary review of academic economists’ publications and works dealing with food security problems. Based on the conducted research, mechanisms for ensuring food security in Kazakhstan are proposed: improving the rural development program, the use of rural mortgages, the development of farms, etc. The research topic is relevant and important, and it is only possible to consider some aspects in one work. In this regard, the authors propose to further study the problems of food security in terms of learning international experience in solving problems, the development of own production, the development of the agricultural sector of the economy and others.
About the Authors
S. B. SauranbaiKazakhstan
Sandugash B. Sauranbai – PhD, sciences, associate professor
227 Rozybakiev str., A15P2M5, Almaty
S. K. Baidybekova
Saltanat K. Baidybekova – сandidate of еconomic sciences, associate professor
E. O. Kydyrbaeva
Elmira O. Kydyrbaeva – PhD, Associate Professor
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For citations:
Sauranbai S.B., Baidybekova S.K., Kydyrbaeva E.O. Food Security as the Basis of Economic Development of Countries. Economy: strategy and practice. 2022;17(4):125-144. (In Russ.)