
Economy: strategy and practice

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«Reputation» has become a widely discussed topic in the scientific literature over the past three decades. However, there are different approaches and definitions of this phenomenon. Reputation provokes scientific discussion among scientists, because this concept is replaced by the concept of image, which is also part of a group of other intangible assets, like a goodwill or business reputation. Therefore, the article considered the concept of reputation and conducted a conceptual analysis based on foreign literature. Thus, the author, having analyzed existing definitions and views on reputation, contributed to his understanding. And in the course of the research, explanations are given about intangible assets, goodwill, image and reputation based on literature review. Differences between image and reputation are shown. And as a result of the research, the author expressed his own opinion about reputation after summing up the opinions of famous scientists of reputation.

About the Author

S. I. Taszharganov


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For citations:

Taszharganov S.I. . Economy: strategy and practice. 2018;(2):130-140. (In Russ.)

Views: 472

ISSN 1997-9967 (Print)
ISSN 2663-550X (Online)