
Economics: the strategy and practice

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Для цитирования:

Хасенова К.Е., Исмаилова Г.К., Паримбекова Л.З., Қуантқан Б., Анарбеков Н.М. Методы оценки финансовой грамотности: опыт Казахстана. Economics: the strategy and practice. 2022;17(3):226-241.

For citation:

Khassenova K.Y., Ismailova G.K., Parimbekova L.Z., Kuantkan B., Anarbekov N.M. Methods of Financial Literature Assessment: Kazakhstan’s Experience. Economics: the strategy and practice. 2022;17(3):226-241.

Просмотров: 583

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ISSN 1997-9967 (Print)
ISSN 2663-550X (Online)