
Economy: strategy and practice

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Vol 15, No 3 (2020)
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11-23 725
The aim of the work is to study approaches to the formation of a qualification system in order to improve the quality of human capital in the labor market in the context of the economy. digitalization. The article discusses the issues of quality modernization of the vocational and educational sphere based on the creation of a national system of qualifications (NSQ). The methodology of developing professional standards, which are a key element of the NSQ, is studied, and recommendations are given for improving this process using the competency-based approach.The results of the study show that currently the NSQ of Kazakhstan is in its infancy. Moreover, the processes of its formation are quite complicated and contradictory. The main drawback of the current NSQ model, determined on the basis of an analysis of its composition and content, is the lack of such fundamental elements as state compulsory education standards and educational programs, which contradicts the best practices of developed countries.The main methodological problem is that in the currently developed national and industry-specific qualifica- tions frameworks and professional standards, digital competencies are not included as an independent component. The organizational problem consists in the insufficiently coordinated and effective institutional and organizational mechanism. This is due to barriers existing in the current system of state executive bodies. This is manifested in the fact that the work on the formation of the NSQ, affecting the areas of labor and education, is not sufficiently interconnected and not synchronized in time.In order to improve the currently used institutional and organizational mechanism for the formation of the NSQ, it is advisable to consider the creation of an authorized state body or institute of development. This is due to the scale and complexity of the work to create a full-fledged effective NSQ aimed at providing conditions for the formation of a new quality of human capital and will increase its competitiveness in the domestic and foreign labor markets.
25-37 1105
Digital healthcare means integrating medical knowledge with IT applications or IT technology to improve healthcare and patient care. Digital technologies make it possible to focus on needs and provide preventive, clinical, and rehabilitation services. Today, digitalization of healthcare has great potential to improve the quality of medical care, taking into account patient safety, as well as sustainable economic growth.The purpose of the study is to develop a methodology that allows the most complete and adequate assessment of the economic and social effectiveness of the digitalization of the healthcare system, taking into account its inherent features and a high proportion of the implementation of target functions within the framework of the established activity.This article reviews the available approaches to determining the effectiveness of digitalization, but they do not reflect the specifics of the healthcare system. It was revealed that these methods do not consider an important generalizing indicator as gross value added, which, from the perspective of the economy as a whole, is taken into account in the country’s gross domestic product.The article proposes a methodology for assessing the economic and social effectiveness of digitalization of the healthcare system, which allows us to consider gross value added as a generalized result characterizing the production and sale of services, and as the efficiency of resource use in the process of providing medical services.This methodology is based on the theory of efficiency and the law of saving time, as well as approaches to determining criteria and performance indicators.
39-51 626
The multi-vector development of the Republic of Kazakhstan depends on such a direction of financial policy as a highly effective use of public financial resources in order to achieve the planned macroeconomic indicators. Issues of efficiency of public expenditure management are the quintessence of budget policy in all countries, regardless of the country’s budget structure.The achieved level of review of the theoretical and empirical base outlines the scientific field justifying the mechanism for implementing budget policy based on the indicator system. The methodological basis of the research is a set of general scientific analytical methods aimed to achieve the goal of the task (analysis, synthesis), modern methods of economic and statistical analysis.In the article, based on the statistical data in the field of Civil budget, a variable analysis of financial stability indicators, connected with the local budget, is carried out, also there is a correlation between actual budget expenditures and the impact on social policy. There are following indicators used in dynamic calculations - indicators of budget symmetry, indicators of revenue potential, indicators of budget security. The threshold values of indicators, namely, revenue potential, budget security for the budget of the West Kazakhstan region, are also quantitatively calculated and justified. Budget indicators allow us to determine three levels of financial condition impacting on local budget.It can be argued that result aimed at budgeting (hereinafter referred to as RBВ) is a method of managing budget expenditures that leads to the targeted distribution of budget funds on the main points of state policy, through the provision of budget services to organizations and the population in order to achieve effective results in accordance with the budget expenditures made.
53-67 628
Problems of effective use of intellectual potential as the main source of new knowledge and a key asset in creating innovations and ensuring the competitiveness of an individual, company, region, country continue to be the focus of attention of modern economists - researchers. At the same time, a detailed analysis of the regional specifics of the use of intellectual potential, which is determined not only by their natural and geographical differentiation, but also by such factors as the level of socio-economic and infrastructural development, especially in terms of access to modern information technologies, attracts special interest; sectoral structure of the region’s economy; the level and quality of life of the population. Analysis of the literature and the specifics of the development of the intellectual potential of our country made it possible to form a system of indicators to assess the effectiveness of its use in the regions of Kazakhstan. In this study, we use the DEA methodology to assess the effectiveness of intellectual potential in 17 regions of Kazakhstan for 2009, 2014, 2019. The results obtained in the course of the study show that the measures taken by the government to develop education, science and innovation in different regions of the country have led to opposite results. In fact, it can be argued that the intellectual potential of the country, along with insufficient government measures, was used ineffectively, since Kazakhstan did not demonstrate significant innovative breakthroughs during the study period.
69-82 539
The current stage of scientific and technological development is characterized by intensive rates and general intellectualization of various spheres of society’s life. Accelerated research and development based on advanced technologies, access to international markets and increased global integration in the scientific and technological sphere have already become a strategic model of innovative growth for the leading and developed countries of the world. Therefore, an important task for Kazakhstan is the transition to a new technological order 4.0, which is characterized by the use of fundamentally new and advanced technologies, the transition to the production of innovative and high-tech products, progressive organizational and managerial decisions in various fields of activity (production, science and society). In this regard, there is an urgent need to analyze the level of development of ICT processes in Kazakhstan, identify priorities and mechanisms for innovative growth in order to reduce digital inequality and establish communication with the population in the country’s regions. In this scientific study, the authors proposed a methodological approaches (determining the scale and level of ICT development), which performed according to an algorithm consisting of three stages: assessment of the level of Internet use (the share of Internet users); assessment of the level of costs for the production of ICT; assessment of the level of digital literacy of the population (readiness of the population to widespread use of ICTs). Based on the analytical review, it can be seen that most of the regions in Kazakhstan have a high level of.
83-95 527
The subject of research in the article is the process of evaluating the effectiveness of insurance of high-risk projects using real options embedded in them on the example of metallurgical companies. The goal is to clarify the formula for calculating the expected effect of the project implementation using real options built into it. The research hypothesis is that using a more objective calculation formula will allow you to use the additional features contained in them and increase the effectiveness of project insurance. Methods of mathematical modeling, discounting cash flows and real options were used. It is shown that taking into account the cost of real options built into the project and additional long-term costs associated with their use in the formula, and reducing the overall risk of the project, makes it possible to increase the objectivity of the corresponding calculations. The novelty of the article is to systematize the main types of real options for projects of metallurgical companies and clarify the calculation of the expected effect of the project implementation in conditions of risk and uncertainty using real options built into it. The proposed systematization allows you to expand the range of application of management decisions. The application of a more objective formula for calculating the expected effect of the project implementation using real options built into it (with restrictions - only for real assets as basic ones) confirms the hypothesis put forward.
97-110 1815
The article explores the formatiomt and development of investment cooperation between Kazakhstan and the countries of the European Union. The dynamics, species structure and industry priorities of the accumulated and annual mutual investments between Kazakhstan and the EU countries are analyzed, and the main problems of reducing the investment flow from the European Union are identified.The purpose of the study is to identify the problematic aspects of cooperation between Kazakhstan and the EU countries, to consider methods to improve the investment attractiveness of Kazakhstan for foreign investors, which contributes to the further development of investment relations.The article used methods for describing and analyzing special scientific books, reports of state bodies, legal acts and other sources on investment relations. The method of SWOT analysis was used, on the basis of which it is possible to identify the strengths and weaknesses of Kazakhstan for investors.The result and conclusions of the study. The scale of investment cooperation between Kazakhstan and the EU countries, carried out on a developing institutional basis, however, the investment flow has an uneven trend. The EU is a key Kazakhstan partner in investment import processes.For the countries of the united Europe, the mining industry of Kazakhstan is of particular interest and changes in raw material prices lead to a decrease in investment flow. To avoid dependence on energy prices, Kazakhstan needs to develop separate investment projects with priority countries of the European Union, and eliminate factors such as bureaucracy, corruption, etc.It is proposed to increase motivation to create individual preferences for foreign investors from EU countries.In addition to cooperation with the European Commission, pay attention to cooperation with a direct investor.
111-125 3742
The article discusses the history of the emergence of cryptocurrency, the scope of its application, the positive and negative sides, the essence and principle of its operation. An assessment of the prospects for its use is given, as well as the market for cryptocurrency capitalization and its impact on the development of the global financial system. The analysis of the experience of legal regulation of cryptocurrencies in foreign countries is carried out. The purpose of the study is to study the essence and principle of operation of cryptocurrency, as well as the prospects for its use in Kazakhstan. In this work, along with empirical research methods, theoretical methods were applied, which included analysis and synthesis of the information received. In addition, historical, logical, technical, comparative, legal analyzes were used, and the essence of cryptocurrencies was classified. Cryptocurrencies are classified according to their nature and purpose. Received data on the characteristics of cryptocurrencies. The foreign experience of the legal status of cryptocurrency and its turnover has been studied. The study showed that an important factor in the development of cryptocurrency is the presence of legislation in the field of cryptocurrency circulation and its legal status, in connection with which, in the course of work, separate legislative amendments were developed regarding the regulation of cryptocurrencies. In particular, their author’s definitions of cryptocurrencies and cryptocurrency exchanges are given, which can be used in the preparation and adoption of laws governing digital assets.
127-139 1101
The purpose of the article is to identify the features and substantiate new priorities of the development of trade, economic and investment cooperation between two countries in modern conditions. Methods of economic, statistical, comparative, graphic, systemic, functional and other methods of analysis are applied. In the course of the study, new directions and approaches were developed for the eff development of trade and economic cooperation between two countries and the implementation of an adequate foreign trade policy of Russia and Kazakhstan. The main approach is to expand regional trade through the mechanism of participation in the Eurasian Union, the intensifi of corporate ties through the creation of joint ventures, based on the use of advanced scientifi technologies to increase the production of competitive products. The presented article reveals the current state of trade, economic and investment cooperation between Kazakhstan and Russia in the context of the growing processes of globalization and regionalization. In these conditions, competition is getting tougher in the world market, which objectively predetermines the need to combine eff of interconnected and interdependent national economies of Kazakhstan and Russia. In order to achieve this goal the following tasks were solved: the content was disclosed, and the main directions of trade, economic, investment interaction between the two countries were determined; revealed and disclosed the features of the development of trade and economic cooperation between the two countries in modern conditions; proposals for the eff development of trade, economic and investment cooperation between Kazakhstan and Russia have been developed in the context of the growing crisis processes associated with the coronavirus pandemic.
141-150 464
Currently, the Republic of Kazakhstan is increasing interest in project management and the project approach to the management of educational institutions. However, due to the novelty of this approach, not everyone is familiar with its basic theoretical and practical approaches, including management with employees of educational institutions. Today, the problem of inconsistent approaches to managing educational institutions with the realities that society expects from schools, colleges, and universities has become very obvious and understandable.The purpose of the study conducted in this article is to consider the theoretical and practical aspects of the application of project management approaches to the personnel management of educational institutions and determine the level of awareness of the project approach.As a research method to achieve the goals in this article, a round-robin analysis method with the collection of quantitative data was chosen. The results of a quantitative study of employees of educational institutions allow us to conclude that not all educational workers are aware of the benefits of a project-based approach to university personnel management, which is likely to affect the effectiveness of educational organizations themselves, as well as to conclude that that the principle of a collective project approach to personnel management can serve as a driver for raising the level of quality of educational services provided means of greater involvement of university employees.
151-156 749
In this article, the author examines the strategy of regional development of the state, which forms the main goals and objectives of such development for a specific time period. On the other hand, each strategy is the basis for the development of balanced among themselves various strategies for the economic development of regions. Under these conditions, the issue of improving the mechanism for forming a regional strategy that takes into accounts the specifics of the region’s development, the influence of the external environment, interregional processes, government policy and the external economic situation, the global macroeconomic factor, etc., becomes increasingly topical.
157-170 481
The article presents the results of a quantitative analysis of the relationship between science and the country’s socio-economic development. A correlation and regression analysis was carried out based on statistical data of the Committee on Statistics of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the World Bank on the state of science, social and economic indicators. The most significant indicators of science, which are important factors in the socio-economic development of Kazakhstan, are identified. On the basis of the correlation analysis, it was revealed that among the indicators of science, internal expenditures on R&D, the number of scientific publications, patent applications are interconnected with indicators of the country’s socio-economic development. However, between some indicators there is no or, there is a reverse, negative relationship: the gross domestic product does not have a significant relationship with the indicators of science. Regression models show the importance of science indicators such as internal expenditures on R&D, scientific publications, the number of organizations (enterprises) carrying out R&D in the socio-economic development of the country, especially in the development of industrial production and increasing investment in fixed assets. The obtained models necessitate an increase in the role of science in the socio-economic development of the country: an increase in spending on science and the quality of scientific, empirical research, the results of which have applied aspects; development of the potential of scientific organizations are the important factors in the development of the economy and society. The prospect of this work is to conduct empirical research on the impact of specific scientific results on the socio-economic development of the country using quantitative and qualitative methods.
171-187 1174
Over the past twenty years, the airline industry has grown significantly, its growth rate exceeds the growth rate of world nominal GDP. Increasingly growing competition in the air transport market obliges airlines to provide their customers with quality products and services. In this regard, now the main goal of the airline is to increase its competitiveness, on which its image, economic results and development prospects depend.The article examines the factors affecting the competitiveness of airlines, a comparative analysis of the competitiveness factors of various objects of research is carried out: the domestic airline Air Astana with the largest airlines in the world - Aeroflot and Ural Airlines (RF) (RF), Belavia (Ukraine), Lufthansa (Germany), Turkish Airlines (Turkey).The purpose of the study is to justify the economic content and classification of the “competitiveness” category, score and the relationship of factors affecting the competitiveness of an air transport company.The article used qualitative and economic-statistical research methods. Qualitative methods are based on a scoring system, economic and statistical methods (correlation-regression model) are based on quantitative data of various factors that affect the competitiveness of airlines.The results of the study are the classification and justification of the external and internal competitiveness factors of civil aviation companies, the key ones of which, in our opinion, are the number of passengers and cargo transported, the size of the fare, staff efficiency, financial performance indicators of aviation companies, and the development of correlation and regression models that revealed a positive impact of Air Astana’s passenger traffic (87%) and assets (46%) on their revenues.
189-200 1125
The purpose of this research is to analyze the works devoted to the concept of “green” economy, a brief overview of the evolution of the concept, determining the relationship between the concepts of “green” economy, “green” growth and sustainable development. The concept of a “green” economy emerged at the end of the XX century in response to rapidly growing progress in industry and economy, the increase of the world’s population, that led to negative changes in the environment. The scientific community drew the attention of international organizations to the existing problems. As a result, the environment Commission UNEP was established under the auspices of the United Nations, and a definition of the green economy was given in 2009. The “green” economy is a tool for achieving the goals of sustainable development of society, while “green” growth is a strategy for the development of the “green” economy. Based on the literature review and synthesis of various works, general trends in understanding the concept of “green” economy, “green” growth and sustainable development were identified. Differences in the representation of relations between the economy, society and the environment from the point of view of the traditional economy and the “green” economy model are identified. The “green” economy paradigm states that society exists within the environmental limits, so the economy must use reasonable methods of using natural resources and encourage innovation aimed at preserving the environment. Scientific discussions related to the incompatibility of simultaneous development of the “green” economy and economic growth reflect a variety of opinions and approaches to the optimal solution of this issue.
201-212 737
This article discusses the ways of forming and developing intellectual potential, which is the basis for the formation of the knowledge economy. The concept of intellectual potential is defined and its main components, such as scientific-technical, innovative, educational and cultural potential are defined. The article studies the experience of foreign countries in the development of intellectual potential, taking into account the development of intellectual capital and the potential of the nation. In particular, the ways of developing the intellectual potential of developed countries such as the United States, Japan and the European Union will be studied, and the possibility of applying these practices in Kazakhstan will be discussed. The main factors hindering the development of intellectual potential in Kazakhstan will be identified and their reasons will be discussed. Based on the study of progressive foreign experience, recommendations are made to increase the intellectual potential of Kazakhstan.
213-226 589
The article discusses the basics of intellectual capital management (IC), IC measurement, which attract much attention of scientists and practitioners. The goal of this work is to research a measurement model and a system of quality IC indices to provide companies with a good tool for managing IC. Based on a review of several measurement models of IC proposed by Western researchers, IC is classified into human capital, structural capital, innovation capital and consumer capital, and then based on the analysis of their content, a system of qualitative indices for the above four elements of IC is developed. As a result of an empirical study, it was found that there is a significant relationship between the scores of the four elements of the company’s IC and its business indicators, which proves the validity and rationality of the IC measurement model and the system of quality indices. At the same time, empirical research once again proves that there is a good relationship between the four elements of IC. Therefore, enterprises should manage their IC and improve them from an integrative point of view.
227-236 592
In recent years, the number of organizations that have implemented a quality management system according to the international standard of the ISO 9001 series has grown significantly in the world. However, the influence of the quality management system on enterprise productivity has not been sufficiently studied. The problem of increasing labor productivity remains one of the most acute for the Kazakhstani economy.The purpose of this study is to determine the degree of influence of the quality management system on the labor productivity of light industry enterprises in Almaty. The article analyzed the main economic indicators of light industry enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the period 1985 to 2020. Marketing research was conducted on the basis of an expert survey using statistical and comparative analysis methods. The reliability analysis of the research tool was carried out using the alpha-Cronbach coefficient. All measurements and tests were carried out in Smart PLS 3 and SPSS 23 programs.The factors affecting labor productivity in light industry are identified. These include a quality management system, economic growth rate, inflation rate, loan interest rate, currency exchange rates, demographic growth rate, technical and technological state of production, enterprise goals, cooperation, skills, work experience.The results of the marketing research allow us to conclude that the quality management system positively affects the labor productivity of the enterprises of light industry in Almaty. When introducing a quality management system, the number of defects is reduced. The impact of the quality management system on labor productivity is confirmed by experts.

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