
Economy: strategy and practice

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Vol 14, No 2 (2019)
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9-24 993
The process of formation of the knowledge-intensive economy of Kazakhstan, accompanied by a huge shortage and dissociation of research personnel, lack of innovative ideas for commercialization, as well as a lack of demand for innovation from the business side, makes it possible to state its focal mosaic character. Among the reasons, called experts, the deep is the lack of a competitive environment, so incentives for innovation, dictated by external non-economic factors (government policy, curiosity of the inventor, etc.) are not a source of improving the economic efficiency of innovation. One of the main reasons for the insignificant development of knowledge-intensive industries in Kazakhstan, according to experts, is the lack of funding for research and development activities, accompanied by low efficiency in the use of financial resources in the scientific sector. The results obtained in the course of the study make it possible not only to assess the current state of the system of financing high-tech industries, but also provide an opportunity to critically comprehend the influence of various factors hindering the successful development of the knowledge economy in the regions of our country.
25-38 504
This article provides a comparative analysis of the current state and development of the institutional environment of high-tech science-intensive sector of the Eurasian economic Union as a key factor in the development of innovative entrepreneurship. Comparison of the level of development of knowledge-based GDP of the member States of the Eurasian economic Union indicates a relatively low level of these indicators. The stable low level of knowledge intensity of the countries of the Eurasian economic Union causes a relatively low level of innovative development of the economy and a high level of technological dependence of economic agents. Therefore, the creation and development of an institutional environment of high-tech science-intensive sector that meets international requirements is a key factor in overcoming the backlog in the innovative development of the countries of the Eurasian economic Union. The methodology of the institutional environment analysis is as follows, the initial period of creation of the regulatory framework of scientific and innovative activity, formation of the main subjects of innovative infrastructure, development of conceptual and program-target bases of strategic planning of innovative policy for the countries of the Eurasian economic Union is defined. It is established that despite the more than 20-year period of formation and development of the national innovation system of the Eurasian economic Union, the main problems of ensuring the effective work of the service organization and the proper resource support for innovation are still not solved. According to the results of the comparative analysis, it is established that at the moment only Russia has a sufficiently developed institutional environment of the knowledge-intensive sector, all other countries are experiencing financial constraints and must integrate their national innovation policies within the framework of the Eurasian economic Union. The results of this study can be used in the direction of adjusting national policies for the development of high-tech innovative entrepreneurship, taking into account the application of effective practices of institutional support of national innovation systems.
39-52 590
The purpose of the article was to study the main directions of structural modernization of the economy and the rationale for the use of the cluster approach in the development of the domestic manufacturing industry.The article discusses the priority areas of modernization of the manufacturing industry. Analyzed a set of measures for innovation and technological modernization. It is proposed to use the cluster approach to the implementation of the structural modernization of the processing industry of Kazakhstan.The main directions for further modernization with the use of a cluster model are outlined.Explanations are given that industrial-innovative development is considered the main priority of the economic and social development of the country, as well as an important condition for improving product quality and improving the competitiveness of industrial production.
53-66 400
The article deals with the presents and analyzes the key data of need to develop crisis models of agricultural enterprises and crisis management models for the development of agricultural production, which are determined by the risk presence.In unfavorable economic conditions, the main negative factors hindering the development of domestic agricultural enterprises are identified.The main factors of timely determination of crisis signs, its localization, the use of research components as preventive measures of recovery and restoration of solvency are the essence of recognition goals in the anti-crisis management of agricultural structures.The reasons for the emergence and development of the crisis situation in the economy are determined, a graphical model of the crisis situation corresponding to the stages of the life cycle of the agricultural enterprise is developed.In addition, the study considered the most important stages in the development of a crisis management model based on the evaluation of the effectiveness and monitoring of the results of the program, which allow determining the optimal actions to exit agricultural enterprises from the crisis.
67-80 489
The purpose of this research is to analyze the export potential of transport and logistics services, identify factors affecting exports and justify its development directions for Kazakhstan in order to increase the share of high-tech exports.In this study have used the scientific research methods: systematic approach, logical analysis, comparisons, alogi es,abstractions,identifications,typologies,generalizationand concretization. Based on the analysis, it was revealed that transport services are dominated in the structure of service exports, with freight transport taking the largest share in the structure of exporting transport services, among which railway transportation is leading. Further,ithavestudiedthe problems of the development of freight traffic in the context of various types of transport, as well as in the context of countries-importers of transport services provided by transport companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It was revealed that in the conditions of increasing competition for transit, as well as against the background of domestic political and economic competition in the region, for Kazakhstan there are a number of obstacles to the transit of goods. The organizational and technical factors that complicate the export of transport and logistics services in Kazakhstan are highlighted. Ithavegiventhe directions for the development of export of transport and logistics services, such as the creation of an efficient infrastructure, the improvement of transport and logistics operations on any type of transport, taking into account the provision of a wide range of services, the offer of competitive tariffs, and the further improvement of corridors for transit cargo flows.
81-95 560
The scientific article outlines the main tendencies of the economy of the agrarian sector of Kazakhstan at the pres- ent stage. It is revealed that the ongoing state reforms in the agrarian sector of the economy do not give the expected effect, agriculture is in a state of imbalance, a low level of management, there are no clear normative distributions in property relations, and financial deterioration in industries is observed. The problem of agriculture is that the products produced are not competitive in the external and internal markets, there is a high share of imports of food products.The theoretical backgrounds of cluster formation were being explored in this paper. It has been revealed that the development of clusters is a recognized tool accompanying sustainable innovative development and improving the competitiveness of agriculture in the region and the agro-industrial complex as a whole. The use of the cluster form of agricultural activity organization is provided in a number of legal and regulatory documents including some program documents of the country. The prerequisites for the cluster approach development to the functioning and progress of the national economy began to extend in the nineteenth century in the works of American scientists. M. Enright proposed the term “regional cluster” for the definition of a spatial cluster of interrelated enterprises that are similar in their specialization of companies. A regional cluster is defined as an industrial cluster where firms are members of a cluster operating in one or several related industries of the economy, and form a territorial agglomeration.The purpose of the scientific article is to reveal the economic and natural-geographical potential of the agrarian sector of the economy of the Akmola region for the creation of a cluster in livestock in this region. The analysis of the main indicators of livestock breeding in the Akmola region was carried out. Recommendations are given on the formation and development of the foundations of a regional cluster in the livestock sector in the region.
97-107 425
In the conditions of market relations, it is important to explore the labor market as a socio-economic phenomenon, considering it from a theoretical point of view, which requires an understanding of the socio-economic nature of the labor market. The object of the labor market is labor, and the labor bearer - labor force - labor resources, which are characterized by such basic indicators as employment and unemployment.The research consisted of the works of domestic and foreign leading economists. In the course of the study, the author applied methods of system, comparative, factor analysis, as well as methods of statistical analysis of economic processes. In the course of carrying out the work, the author used general methodological principles that made it possible to most fully and objectively investigate problems.The labor market of Kazakhstan at the present stage is significantly different from labor markets in other countries due to its underdevelopment, which was facilitated by a number of reasons, such as difficulties in trans-forming the social and political system, lack of experience in institutionalizing market transformations, etc. These difficulties predetermined the problems of the modern labor market of Kazakhstan, associated with poor social protection of the unemployed, a high proportion of informal and shadow employment, low labor mobility resources, an increase in the share of non-specialty citizens and some others.
109-124 798
The article analyzes the experience of the scientific and technological development of a number of developed countries that have developed effective national innovation systems. The specificity of the formation of such systems in the USA, Japan, Europe (Switzerland, France, UK), where innovative mechanisms have turned from the means of solving certain socio-economic problems into a key factor in social development, is shown.It is concluded that the scientific, technological and innovative development should be developed and implemented as a long-term and effective scientific and industrial policy of the state. At the same time, a revision of views on the role of science in the modern world community and its reform in the post-Soviet countries is necessary.The current trends and factors affecting the existing paradigm of industrial growth, accompanied by an intensive expansion of its resource components, are considered. The problems of the transition to industrial growth based on the scientific and technological component are formulated and investigated, and the relevant prerequisites are analyzed in the form of a sufficiently developed industrial and scientific potential, the presence of broad sections of the educated population, and access to external sources of information and capital
125-139 703
The purpose of this scientific article is to study the experience of foreign countries in the formation of human capital in the development of knowledge-based economy, the main sources of growth of which are the production of knowledge, the development of information technology, the expansion of R & d, the accumulation of human capital.The comparative and logical-structural analyses, system approach are used in the process of research.The article presents the results of the study of human capital formation in such countries as the United States, South Korea, Japan and China. In the context of a knowledge-based economy in these countries, the priorities are both the development of innovation infrastructure and the development of human capital, especially its intellectual, organizational component. The authors show that the successful development of knowledge-based economy largely depends on investments in human capital, and the high quality of human capital is the basis for the development of scientific and technological innovation. The article emphasizes that state support plays an important role in the field of basic research and scientific and technical development. In addition, the article focuses on the field of education in these countries, which is one of the crucial tools for the acquisition and accumulation of knowledge and skills.Thanks to the development of human capital, workers not only create and distribute new technologies and products, but also successfully master new technologies and contribute to their introduction into production and everyday life, thereby creating a demand for innovation.
141-154 763
Modern tourist business is one of the largest and fastest growing sectors of the economy. Often the tourism industry is seen as a mediator of economic and social changes in society. In addition, tourism is able to support national unification through the inflow of foreign currency, encourage cultural activities and traditional crafts, and have a significant impact on the survival of various service sectors. The tourism industry plays a significant role in creating jobs, reducing unemployment mainly due to the development of tourism entrepreneurship, able to eliminate social problems, give impetus to the development of the country and replenish the budget, leading to an increase in gross domestic product.The purpose of the work is to determine the level of development of entrepreneurial activity in the field of tourism in the regions of Kazakhstan. The study is based on the application of the main statistical methods: grouping, number of dynamics.The article analyzes tourist flows by type of tourism, the share of tourism in GDP, the number of active subjects in the field of tourism in dynamics for the last 5 years.The result of the study was the rating of the regions of Kazakhstan on the development of entrepreneurial activity in tourism, identifying factors hindering the development of entrepreneurship in tourism, proposals to increase the attractiveness of areas as tourist destinations.The field of application of the research results is the activity of subjects of the tourist industry: the Ministry of Culture and Sports, Department of tourism development, tour operators and travel agents, industry organizations, consumers.The results of the study can be used in the development of regional tourism development programs as part of the implementation of the state tourism development program until 2023.
155-165 513
The purpose of this research is to develop innovative approaches to optimize the organizational process of government programs taking into account digital transformation. In this scientific study, the authors conducted a literary review of scientific research in the field of using the advantages of electronic, platform and digital networks. In addition, the authors have proposed new approaches of the organization of work with scholars of the program “Bolashak” based on digital transformations. The research methodology based on the study of primary and secondary materials of Kazakhstan, which collected in the framework of research work on the study of the program “Bolashak”. Three possible scenarios for the optimization of work with graduates of the program “Bolashak” in order to effectively interact and simplify networking proposed. The scientific novelty of the research is provided by the fact that the scientific provisions concerning the use of digital technologies in the interests of accelerated technological modernization of the domestic economy are substantiated and formulated. It was concluded that digitalization becomes a trend for state educational policy. The rapid development of digital technologies creates new opportunities for a single integrated platform.
167-184 542
The fourth industrial revolution creates new conditions for supply chain management in logistics. The purpose of this article is to determine the main directions of research based on the analysis of the scientific literature on supply chain management in Industry 4.0. To achieve this goal, a systematic bibliographic analysis was used: a search was carried out by keyword on the Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus databases. Materials were reviewed by year, industry, authors, countries. Further, the materials were limited to the disciplines and analyzed the most cited articles. In research on supply chain management under the conditions of Industry 4.0, the following research topics were identified: new trends in supply chain management; operational management of Smart manufacturing; Lean manufacturing, environmentally sustainable production, production management issues in new conditions; New technologies in supply chain management (Internet of things (IoT), big data, cloud computing, cyber-physical systems, automation systems, RFID technologies, mobile applications, etc.). It is possible to effectively organize the supply chain using these technological opportunities. The introduction of the supply chain management system into the processing industry has many advantages. The active use of Industry 4.0 technology in ensuring the production of raw materials, organizing the production cycle, distributing products through retail chains, delivering finished products to the final consumer influences the reduction of production costs, as a result of which the competitiveness of the enterprise will increase.


ISSN 1997-9967 (Print)
ISSN 2663-550X (Online)