
Economy: strategy and practice

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No 2 (2018)


6-14 600
The purpose of this study is to examine the dynamics and intensity of structural shifts in GDP and employment in Kazakhstan and, based on the results of the assessment, to identify sectors of the economy that form employment potential in the long term. The analysis showed that the industry as a whole, and the manufacturing industry in particular, show reduced structural dynamics and that the potential for employment growth in this sphere is limited as well. The analysis revealed a trend of accelerated growth in employment in the services sector as compared to global dynamics and the dynamics that is being formed in countries with an average level of development. This led to the conclusion that in Kazakhstan, the main employment potential is being formed in the services sector for the future.It is recommended, taking into account general trends in the expansion of the service sector in the world and Kazakhstan as well as the conditions and prospects for industrial development in Kazakhstan, special attention should be paid to the sector of knowledge of intensive services. The growth of this sector is critically linked to the quality of human capital, the development of knowledge creation and dissemination systems, which in turn is an important prerequisite for adaptation to conditions of the Industry 4.0.
15-23 415
An important role in creating a competitive sector of the national economy is played by the formation of a system for financing knowledge-intensive industries on a regular basis. The article examines the main forms of financing science-intensive production, describes and compares the sources of financing of high-technology industries, characteristic of Kazakhstan and other countries. The line for the development of the knowledge-based economy of our country in modern realities has been determined, and the key indicators of the science intensity of Kazakhstan and foreign countries have been consolidated and compared. Conclusions are drawn about the relationship between the use of certain sources of financing and the success of the formation of a knowledge-based economy of different countries.


24-33 418
The aim of the study is a comparative analysis of approaches to designing and implementing an institution of regulatory impact assessment in the largest countries of the post-Soviet space - Russia and Kazakhstan, an identification of problems and prospects for the development of this institution in the countries of the analyzed population.The study was conducted using both general scientific and specialized methods. General scientific methods of comparative and evolutionary-genetic studies were used to conduct cross-national comparisons of the implantation processes of new state institutions in a historical retrospective. Specialized methods of institutional and constitutional theory allowed to analyze the mutual influence of legal and economic factors in the adoption of state decisions in the economic regulation sphere within the framework of the existing national systems of public administration.Based on the results of the study, there were drawn conclusions reflecting the specifics of designing an institution of regulatory impact assessment in Russia and Kazakhstan in terms of selecting key actors and distributing authority among them. There was noted a high role that assign to structures expressing the interests of entrepreneurs in Kazakhstan when an assessment institute designing. There is characterized the degree of maturity of the assessment institute in the analyzed countries.
34-44 383
The article examines the institutional aspects of improving the customer focus of public administration. The author suggests improving the system of public administration within one of the most important modern principles of quality management-customer focus. Currently public administration in Kazakhstan is in the process of transformation into a client-oriented government, the purpose of which is to focus on the desires, expectations and needs of citizens and their consideration in the course of the activities of public authorities. In turn, it is the legislation that creates specific conditions or restrictions that must be met in order to achieve the objectives of public administration. In this regard, the institutional aspect of increasing customer focus in public administration, including in the process of providing public services is its legal framework. In turn, the improvement of any legislative act will be preceded by the initiation of the bill, which occurred in a timely and in the right context.In this regard, the author as one of the ways to increase customer focus in public administration proposes to grant the right of legislative initiative to the Supreme Court. Since the judicial authorities with extensive experience in judicial practice and are most quickly able to respond to the growing needs and demands of society, which is the basis of the concept of client-oriented state.


45-54 381
In the article the questions of institutional basis of the forming business are seen. It is precisely for the innovation economics to be integrated with institutional transformations, allowing for the creation of an unproblematic product innovation that is incompetent in demanding competitiveness. The institutional foundations, their correspondence to the conditions of market interaction in general and specific situations, arising not only in the course of supply-demand realization, but also in the relations of directly production process of creating the product of economic activity, form certain rules, laws, principles, codes of behavior, types of relations and relationships.Realization of strategic aspirations requires the formation of the necessary rules for the construction of any economic system, including the national economy, its elements that make up the basic background of entrepreneurial activity. The formation of institutional foundations for the development of entrepreneurship is determined by the action and the existence of a set of rules. According to the statements of institutionalists, the use of the methodology of strategic management in relation to the whole system of the national economy is of particular importance in the modern conditions of Kazakhstan, and in every specific case, strategic management approaches that are actively used abroad.
55-63 610
The article discusses the issues of improving the total quality of management in improving the efficiency of hotel management. A special questionnaire was conducted to determine the effectiveness of management, which is directly related to the staff. The main goal of the work is to study the experience of improving the quality management system in the hotel business and to develop specific recommendations for the development of hotel staff based on foreign experience. The study used statistical and empirical methods. The responses to the questionnaires were analyzed in accordance with the SPSS 22 program and the results were analyzed on the basis of regression and dispersion methods. The results of the research showed that the total quality of management provides hotels with a high degree of organization Thus, the workers demonstrated that they are customer-oriented, always improving the quality of education, improving management effectiveness and participating in the decision-making process.


64-73 569
The purpose of this work is to analyze the industrial structure of the economy of Kazakhstan to identify the most promising areas of its development. In the course of the work, the main current state programs for industrial development, the main industrial indicators in dynamics, the structure of industrial production by types of economic activity, the main trends in industrial development, identified the most promising industries of Kazakhstan, identified problems and opportunities for their development, suggested possible solutions to problems.
74-82 399
The article examines the issues of increasing the industrial development of the national economy on the basis of the engineering. Engineering has positive trends in the growth of production of new products and exports for Kazakhstan, however, the dynamics and structure of costs for virtually all types of resources, and therefore the price of these shifts, is determined by the costs of implementing government measures and the introduction ofindustrial policy mechanisms. It is noted that a promising direction for the structural development of machine building is the creation of new competitive advantages due to the organization of its own base of general engineering designation, primarily the creation of machine tool, tool and foundry capacities. One of the main arguments in substantiating this priority can be the modern structure of machine building in Kazakhstan, where enterprises with the type of activity “repair and installation of machinery and equipment” are the dominant positions, the technology of which is based on extensive use of machines for repair and production of spare parts and various tools. Prospects for the development of this industry are not in doubt, therefore it is strategically expedient to ensure the growth and renewal of its material and technical base on the basis of domestic products.
82-93 452
Existing tendencies of oil and gas sector development show the build-up of extracted resources volume. The reason is in low level of complex utilization of raw material, quite low coefficient of useful utilization of products extracted during the process of its refinement that leads to formation of large volumes of production wastes, emission to atmosphere of various aggressive compounds having negative influence on ecological parameters of environment. Considering qualitative content of Kazakhstan oil that contains wide spectra of different such chemical elements as sulfur, vanadium, nickel and other having large demand at the world markets, during the oil raw material refining it is necessary to apply the technologies of complex extraction of all useful components. Rational utilization of raw material resources by transitioning to resource effective innovative technologies allowing raw material refining with qualitative characteristics which utilization is reasonable only at many-component extraction of products will allow getting significant economic effect.
94-105 571
The purpose of this article is to analyze the investment attractiveness of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan and determine the priorities of its investment potential. In this article, methods to obtain, refine and adjust the results from the various stages of the research were applied, in particular: scientific abstraction method, comparative analysis method, and economic-statistical method.The articles are considered the volume, structure and dynamics of investments in fixed capital in the context of the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The interrelation of such indicators as gross regional product (GRP), investment in fixed capital and the volume of investment per capital is analyzed. The priorities of the investment potential of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan are identified and justified.


106-113 367
The article considers theoretical and practical aspects of tariff systems as the basis for wage organization at enterprises of the business sector of the economy. Based on the analysis of practice, the specifics of their application at the present stage of the economic development of the republic are revealed, specific proposals for the application of tariff models of payment and workers’ tariff grids are developed depending on various factors. In addition, during the process of deepening market reforms, the emergence of various models of tariff systems. These models of tariff grids, in turn, can be applied at enterprises of the business sector of the economy, regardless of the spheres of economic activity. At the same time, a differentiated approach to the choice of each of them, depending on the size of the organizations, the type and range of products, the availability of structural subdivisions and branches and other factors, seems appropriate.


120-129 582
Strategy and internal strategic compliance of integrated organizations. The purpose of this work is to develop theoretical and methodological provisions for the formation of company strategies and the creation of internally integrated organizations. The article analyzes the concepts of strategy, value and strategic correspondence of internal parts of the organization. As a result, the theoretical and methodological approach to the effective solution of problems of organizations, especially those of a strategic nature, is substantiated.The author’s conceptual model (scheme) of creating an integrated working strategy of the company (an inward view of the organization) that creates sustainable competitive advantages is presented in the article. The results of the work can be applied in the development of company strategies and the creation of integrated (internally integrated) organizations.
130-140 469
«Reputation» has become a widely discussed topic in the scientific literature over the past three decades. However, there are different approaches and definitions of this phenomenon. Reputation provokes scientific discussion among scientists, because this concept is replaced by the concept of image, which is also part of a group of other intangible assets, like a goodwill or business reputation. Therefore, the article considered the concept of reputation and conducted a conceptual analysis based on foreign literature. Thus, the author, having analyzed existing definitions and views on reputation, contributed to his understanding. And in the course of the research, explanations are given about intangible assets, goodwill, image and reputation based on literature review. Differences between image and reputation are shown. And as a result of the research, the author expressed his own opinion about reputation after summing up the opinions of famous scientists of reputation.


ISSN 1997-9967 (Print)
ISSN 2663-550X (Online)