
Economy: strategy and practice

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Vol 14, No 1 (2019)
9-25 665
The article deals with the issues of scientific, technical and transit-transport and logistics development between the countries belonging to the Silk Road Economic Belt. In the future, it is expected that this will contribute to a higher level of development of regional partnerships. Also on a global scale, the center of gravity of globalization will shift towards the integration of a much smaller number of regional entities. The socio-economic effect of the infrastructure project of the Silk Road Economic Belt will be the deepening of integration processes and the elimination of restrictions in the movement of goods, services, capital, human resources between the countries participating in the agreement; development of international specialization and cooperation in production, science and technology; co-financing of the economy and its innovation mechanism; structural changes in the economies of the participating countries; approximation of national laws, norms and standards, etc. The results of the study can be used to create special economic areas, border trade, economic and industrial zones. The article is intended to attract the attention of Kazakhstani entrepreneurs and investors with the aim of enhancing their participation in the process of creating economic facilities, establishing mutually beneficial partnership, creating favorable conditions in the border regional territories.
27-40 404
This article contains the econometric analysis of usability of the general macroeconomic balance based on the IS-LM model in open economy. The authors also examine the correspondence of the model conclusions concerning macroeconomic policy in the export oriented countries (Russia and Kazakhstan). The quarterly date over the twenty years for Russia and ten years for Kazakhstan are used for this survey.The research is based on the estimations of the behavioral equations such as consumption, investment, net export, monetary demand and balance payment line.The authors identify the peculiarities of interconnection between crucial macroeconomic variables: household expenditures and net disposable income, gross accumulation and interest rate, net export and real exchange rate, money demand and interest rate and income.Primary goods of high export share restricts on the application of the classical monetary tools. Therefore, the influence on consumer and investment behavior via interest rate is poorly performing due to underdevelopment of credit channel of monetary policy transmission.Econometric calculations prove the low capital mobility in Russia and Kazakhstan. The connection between net financial account and interest rate changes is not detected. As a result of the analysis, it is identified that the direct and portfolio investments dynamics is determined by the leading industries’ profitability and exchange rates.These identified features of interconnection impose significant (almost overwhelming) restrictions on applying the IS-LM model in open economy to implement the macroeconomic regulation and forecasting in export oriented countries.
41-55 586
The purpose of this research is to investigate the evolution of regional policy, models existing theory and practice, mechanisms and approaches for spatial development, substantiation of the most acceptable paradigm of the formation and implementation of regional policies for Kazakhstan in the 21st century.In this study have used the scientific research methods: systematic approach, logical analysis, comparisons, analogies, abstractions, identifications, typologies, generalization, scenario modeling. Further, it have studied the main priorities and mechanisms for the implementation of regional policies in foreign countries and changes of their trends over more than half century. It have related the main models of regional policy (polarized selective, leveling selective, stimulating, restraining), applied in different periods, features of their characteristics, tools and implementation methods.It have concluded that the regional policies of many countries again began to focus on leveling regional disparities under the influence of the global challenges of the 21st century. The main instruments for its implementation have changed and direct state support of depressed regions have given way to methods of stimulating growth.It have justified that it is need to develop a new regional policy in Kazakhstan, which provides: firstly, the use of internal resources; secondly, the formation of new “growth points”; thirdly, the smoothing of social and economic disproportions of the territories according to the principle of inclusive development.It have given the recommendations on the development of comprehensive program for the long-term development of depressed regions in Kazakhstan, and have substantiated the algorithm for its implementation.
57-69 1175
The concept on «Industry 4.0» involves creating digital technologies and development of new technologies-based digital society.Digitization and intensification of processes is a necessity for a modern economy in all spheres of human life. Digitalization affects industry, government, health care, education, logistics and other areas.The advent of digital technologies has accelerated due to the intensive technological changes posed by the penetration of digital technologies into every aspect of our life and being widely accepted have modified it. ICT innovations had a considerable impact not only on citizens’ behavior, their information needs but how they work and exchange information. Further advancement of digital innovation particularly cloud, mobile services and artificial intelligence will greatly enhance this modification and provide us with exclusive services and prosperity that have not previously been expected. Digitalization blurs the boundaries, in consequence of which there is a permanent connection of societies at the international level.The approaches to the definition of the concepts «digital technology» and «digital economy» are being analyzed in this article.The article writers point to the investigations of different researchers’ attitudes and offer their own definition to the concept of «digital economy». The major priority is focused on the State Program «Digital Kazakhstan», its goals, content and importance to meet socio-economic development goals of the country.The aim of the article is to study the existing theories and practical-methodological approaches of the digital economy, and on this basis to justify the conditions for the formation and development trends of the digital economy in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
71-82 484
The purpose of the article is to consider the features of the local concentration of innovative activity abroad and to show the possibilities of adapting the world experience in Kazakhstan.The methodology of the article is based on the theoretical and methodological approach to identifying the advantages of geographical localization of innovation and technological activities, according to which the accumulation of skills, know-how and knowledge occurs in a spatially limited context, where a kind of favorable«industrial atmosphere» arises, that can strengthen the economic growth and stimulate the production and diffusion of technological innovation.It is shown that in the foreign practice there are different local innovative typologies: innovation clusters, learning regions, regional innovation systems, local innovation systems. The possibilities of their development in Kazakhstan are considered.
83-95 540
The article is devoted to the problem of decentralization of power - the development of the system of local self-government, which is one of the key areas of Kazakhstan’s entry into the top 30 developed countries of the world. Local government is a form of government. This means taking responsibility for local problems and organizing solutions to local problems. The article presents an overview of the foreign experience of the local government system, describes the current situation and identifies its main priorities.The purpose of this article is to determine the directions of development of local government in Kazakhstan on the example of the Aktobe region. When writing the article, methods of analysis and comparison of scientific research were used.The result of the study is the possibility of increasing tax and non-tax revenues in settlements, transferred to the budget of the 4th level in Kazakhstan, for this akims of cities of regional significance and rural districts should have a project mindset.The area of research results is regional, district and rural akimats, offices and departments of economics and budget planning, entrepreneurship and finance.The research results include the development of a democratic society through the development of local self- government according to the Strategy “Kazakhstan-2050”, the successful implementation of the 5-reform “Strong regions and urbanization” of the Medium-term strategic development plan “Strategy-2025”. This contributes to the successful implementation of the national plan. The purpose of this reform is to increase the gross domestic product due to the economic growth of the regions, ensuring the efficient use of available resources.
97-108 647
The purpose of the study is to analyze the implementation of the program targets of the strategic planning of Kazakhstan’s tourism and determine the main strategic directions for the development of the tourism industry in Kazakhstan.The analysis showed that a large territory of the country, long distances, insufficiently long climatic season requires more global investments in the development of tourist infrastructure. MID RK assessed that the level of activity of the Department of tourism industry is poorly satisfactory. Tourism development strategic indicators are not correspond to the reality and potential of the tourism industry. Often the indicators of various program documents are not interrelated and contradict each other. According to the current policy, it can be concluded that currently tourism remains a development priority only on paper.A number of system directions directly influencing on the level of tourism development is defined: 1) сompetitive tourist destination in the international tourism market. 2) development of tourist destinations at the regional or local level. 3) development of a clustered network approach based on tourist destinations.
109-122 812
At present, in conditions of high competition in the global world and the need to preserve the security of the national economy, the task of providing the country with high-quality food products is becoming highly topical. That is why it’s needed to give an increased attention to issues of innovative development of food industry enterprises, since now innovations are considered the most important driver of competitive success in all sectors of the economy. Foreign competition has put pressure on firms to continuously innovate in order to produce differentiated products and services. Introducing new products helps firms protect their margins, while investing in process innovation helps firms lower their costs.In this article, the authors identified the importance of innovation in ensuring the competitiveness of the country and economic development, as well as their special role in the food industry. They also described different types of innovations in the agricultural sector and food industry and analyzed their main features. The authors analyzed the current state of innovative development in the food industry of Kazakhstan. It was also considered projects that are implemented in the food industry of the country.The main directions of innovation activity of the food industry enterprise are identified, the factors influencing their innovative development are identified. And also a set of measures was proposed to increase the level of innovative activity of enterprises in the industry. As a result of the study, it was identified the need to implement a mechanism for the relationship of innovation process participants in the market, which will create an effective infrastructure for the innovative development of the food industry.
123-134 699
In the process of rapid development of information technology and the active use of the Internet for commercial purposes, there is a transformation and converting of the trading system. Today, a new global e-commerce market has emerged. All countries strive to take their place in this market and use new opportunities. E-commerce can be one of the drivers for retailing, competitiveness and ultimately the development of the entire economy.The article summarizes the modern interpretation of the essence of e-commerce as an effective tool for trading activities. It also determines the place of Kazakhstan’s e-commerce, trends and prospects for its development in the global market. The object of the research is one of the e-commerce sectors - retail e-commerce. In recent years, the turnover of electronic commerce in Kazakhstan has increased, but attention must be paid to the still existing digital inequality of the regions. It can also be noted that in Kazakhstan the number of purchases from abroad is growing at a very fast pace. At the same time, sales abroad are low. Based on the analysis of the current state of e-commerce development, the features and main trends of the market development are revealed, the current problems of e-commerce are considered, and the ways of their solution are presented.Summing up the research, the authors note that, in recent years, there has been a slight increase in the pace of electronic commerce in general, and this provides very good prospects and opportunities for the development of Kazakhstan’s electronic commerce on the world market. The introduction of new tools to stimulate the e-commerce system, as well as the development of e-commerce infrastructure is an effective measure for the development of an electronic trading system in Kazakhstan.
135-147 719
The aim of the work is to assess the achieved level of human development in Central Asian countries and to determine its potential. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that at the present stage of world development these issues are considered in direct relationship with the growth rate and competitiveness of the economy, improving the quality of life. The article discusses the approaches to the disclosure of the essence of the concept of “human development”, highlighted its integral components in the current economic conditions.The proposed conclusions and proposals are based on the principles and methodology for calculating the Human Development Index (HDI). In addition, economic-statistical methods were used, as well as rating, comparison, and generalization; data of the United Nations Development Program, the World Bank, the World Economic Forum, the Committee on Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan were used.Based on the analysis of the dynamics of indicators characterizing life expectancy, level of education, gross national income per capital, the place of Central Asian countries in the global HDI ranking is determined, the problems and factors affecting its formation are identified, competitive advantages, disadvantages and prospects of human development in the states of the region are determined.In particular, in Kazakhstan, despite the achievements in socio-economic development and increased welfare, among the priorities remains the need to implement a set of measures to expand the parameters of human development towards a qualitative change in this process in the context of the formation of an innovative economy.
149-161 671
The purpose of this research is to develop methodological approaches to assess the level of innovative development of Kazakhstan’s regions and their approbation, and identify opportunities for the formation of innovative clusters. In this scientific study, the authors have conducted literature review of the category «cluster», and have identified features of the organization of cluster development. The main prerequisites for the development of clusters have identified based on the study and foreign views of the formation of the cluster approach. The research methodology consists in the systematization of indicators and methods for assessing the innovative potential in order to identify innovative clusters in Kazakhstan. According to these methods, it have proposed to group the approaches into two complementary groups. At the same time, the proposed indicators take into account regional specifics and form the basis for capacity building, as well as being simple to calculate, accessible and possible to obtain reliable results. The scientific novelty of the research have provided by the scientific provisions concerning the use of the cluster approach in the interests of modernization of Kazakhstan. It is concluded that the most promising regions for the formation of innovation clusters are Almaty city, Astana city, and some industrial regions (Aktobe, Karaganda and East-Kazakhstan). The results of miscalculations clearly show that these regions have significant potential for a «multiplier effect» on the development of both the agglomeration itself and its geographically approximate zones.
163-180 784
Branding in the direction of national manufacturers for the Republic of Kazakhstan is a method of implementing many government programs. The role of the brand is becoming more relevant in the market, as the competitiveness of business is growing. The main goal of this article is to give recommendations on theoretical definitions of perfection of marketing technology of brand management, such as globalization of market spheres, wide development of information technologies and competitive struggle in the context of innovative development.Taking into account the fact that the image of Kazakhstan is moving forward, we still see shortcomings. The socio-economic relations between the image of Kazakhstan and marketing technology, aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the national economy in a scientific article, indicate the need for research.The scientific novelty of the research is to analyze and systematize scientific approaches to the development of brand management in the management of brand marketing, which has a competitive advantage, the development of marketing technologies used in brand management.Theoretical research results can be used for theoretical mastering of marketing issues and brand management. The developed methodological recommendations and recommendations on the use of marketing technologies for brand management will increase the consumer value of the corporate brand in the future and will form strategic competitive advantages in the company.At the same time, macroeconomic factors were considered, as well as technological factors affecting branding. In recent years, the information sector has become one of the tools of the modern economy, when society shifted from the forms of industrial development to post-industrial development. The article discusses the development of the brand of telecommunications companies as an emerging general branding.
181-193 560
This article has analyzed the state of the manufacturing industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan. For the development of the manufacturing industry the first condition is the availability of a vast resource base. To study this issue in the theoretical aspect were considered the views of foreign scientists. A comparative analysis of data at the regional and sectoral levels has been carried out in order to identify the potential for export development. In particular, the priority for the state areas of metallurgy, machine building, light industry and food industry were studied, and a SWOT analysis was carried out. At the same time, diagrams are presented for goods with a high share in exports, for the dynamics of the manufacturing industry, for the structure of exports for the manufacturing industry, for production volumes and exports of the manufacturing industry in the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In order to make the manufacturing sector a factor of economic growth, its weight within GDP should reach 40-50%, as in developed countries, in 2017 we have this weight at 17.7%. This year, the share of the processing industry in total exports was 31.6%, but the main content of this share was not final goods, but semi-finished products. These are mainly iron, steel, copper, chemicals, ore, zinc, non-ferrous metals and aluminum. According to the World Bank, the share of exports of high-tech and medium-tech manufacturing goods amounted to no more than 0.41% in all exports of Kazakhstan. Therefore, to be among the 30 most developed countries in the world, Kazakhstan will have to reduce its dependence on the export of raw materials and develop high-tech production as the most important condition. In this regard, Kazakhstan is successfully pursuing a policy of developing production and overcoming commodity dependence. Thus, as a result of the implementation of the State Program on Forced Industrial-Innovative Development (SPAIID), the share of the manufacturing industry in the entire industry of the republic showed a positive trend. The main goal of the program was to increase the competitiveness of the manufacturing industry, increase labor productivity and increase the share of exports of finished goods. he article concludes that the Akmola, Almaty, Karaganda, Turkestan, Pavlodar and East Kazakhstan regions, specializing in processing, have a high potential for export development.

ISSN 1997-9967 (Print)
ISSN 2663-550X (Online)