
Economy: strategy and practice

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Vol 15, No 1 (2020)
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11-23 419

The paper deals with the main directions and results of scientific and organizational activities of the Institute of Economics of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan for 2019. The material reflects the Institute’s implementation of the grant research and the project of program-targeted research. The main results of scientific research carried out in 2019 included the following areas: development of forecast scenarios for the development of traditional and new industries in the knowledge-based economy; justification of the directions of export diversification in Kazakhstan; determination of localization prerequisites and development of methods for assessing the potential of local knowledge-intensive sectors; identification of features of the formation of human capital development in Kazakhstan and ensuring its professional update; development of priorities for the new quality of life of the population in the conditions of innovative economy and upgrading of public consciousness; analysis of the mechanism of financial support of the economy of Kazakhstan and the development of the international financial hub; work on justification, adaptation and testing of information resources.

25-35 866

Over the last ten years developing countries have achieved very fast economic growth comparing to the former developed countries and gained the opportunity to vastly widen their export basket. Therefore, nowadays, there is a need for an in-depth study of the level of diversification of the exports of Kazakhstan. The main goal of the article is to determine the degree of export diversification of the regions of Kazakhstan, to study the factors affecting export volumes and to analyze the economic complexity index (ECI) using the example of regions. In the calculations of the Herfindahl-Hirschman and ECI indices, five-year data from 16 regions of Kazakhstan were used. And the factors affecting the increase in export revenue were studied using the correlation graph on the example of Kazakhstan. The study revealed a high level of export diversification in Almaty. On the contrary, Kyzylorda, Atyrau, West Kazakhstan and Mangystau regions showed a high level of export concentration. In conclusion, the possibilities of export diversification in the country were analyzed, a number of recommendations were made. The results of the study will be useful tool in applying export policy of the regions and in developing the complex strategic plan.

37-52 721

The article examines the main factors of ensuring social security of the village on the basis of improving the social infrastructure of rural areas. The level of social threat to the development of rural areas is analyzed and the main problems of sustainable development of the agricultural complex, which is one of the basic prerequisites for the development of rural regions, are identified.

The purpose of the study is to develop the conceptual framework for sustainable rural development, to justify the essence and define the social security of rural areas, to determine the most important indicators that form the system of parameters of social security of sustainable rural development.

On the basis of the conducted research, methodical approaches to the assessment of social security of territorial systems are systematized, the assessment of internal threats to the socio-economic security of rural development is given. The most important indicators forming the system of parameters of social security of sustainable development of rural territories are determined.

53-70 769

The present paper aims to suggest possibilities of import substitution of livestock production in the Republic of Kazakhstan to increase the volume of own production.

The methods used were empirical research methods (observation, description, comparison and generalization) and theoretical research methods (abstraction, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction).

The results of this research distinguish characteristics of the current livestock industry in Kazakhstan. The analysis of import was carried out and the main countries-importers of livestock products in the Republic of Kazakhstan were identified from the data of Customs statistics.

The present recommendations could be useful as information and analytical guidance to follow trends for agroindustrial complex development and to create interregional and regional programs for livestock.

Our work led us to conclude that Kazakhstan’s livestock industry has significant but not fully utilized potential for development. Own production of livestock in Kazakhstan is constrained by a number of the following factors: concentration of specific weight of cattle in personal subsidiary farms; a low share of breeding cattle in the general livestock population; a lack of infrastructure for livestock production; underdevelopment of processing production of agricultural products.

A large part of basic food is imported to Kazakhstan. Import substitution should result to increase of the competitiveness of domestic products by stimulating technological modernization of production, increasing its efficiency and developing new competitive products.

71-87 812

The article studies the system of social entrepreneurship institutional support in Kazakhstan in the context of effective world experience. By summarizing the world’s experience of promoting social entrepreneurship, the authors identify the subjects of support; determine the role of each subject and the mechanisms of communication between them. Taking into account the fact that there is no official definition of social entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan; the authors proceed from the framework definition for this phenomenon, which has been developed in the world scientific thought and legal norms of its regulation. Using this definition, the authors estimate the extent of social entrepreneurship in the NGO sector on the basis of sociological research and available data in open sources. Based on comparison with effective world practices, the article assesses the regulatory framework and institutional environment of social entrepreneurship development in Kazakhstan. The authors have developed recommendations on the regulatory status of social entrepreneurs and the main areas of their institutional support. Particular attention is paid to the development of cross-sectoral and intra-sectoral links in the development of social entrepreneurship. The emphasis is made on the accelerator models as the most productive form of support, which has a network nature and based on mechanisms for coordinating the actions of the state and non-state actors.

89-99 902

Tourism has become an important sector that affects the development of the country’s economy. The main benefits of tourism are income generation and job creation. For many regions and countries, this is the most important source of wealth. The driving force behind the development of the tourism industry is the activities of entrepreneurs. Through the analysis of available secondary data, this research aims to identify the most important factors influencing tourism entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan.

Given the importance of market development and entrepreneurship for economic growth, this study seeks to understand the relationship between entrepreneurship and other macroeconomic indicators. The desire for a better understanding of entrepreneurship is important because of the special role of entrepreneurship in the development of an innovative economy and the need for more strategic use of limited resources.

The aim of the work was to assess the factors of the macroenvironment affecting tourism business in Kazakhstan through regression analysis.

The article provides a statistical analysis of the number of active subjects in the tourism sector and identifies the main quantitative factors affecting its development. The result of the study was the identification of significant factors that influence the development of the industry.

The scope of the research results is the activity of tourism industry entities: the Ministry of Culture and Sports, Tourism Development Offices, tour operators and travel agents, industry organizations, employees of research institutes. The results of the study can be used in the development of state and regional programs for the development of the tourism industry in Kazakhstan.

101-111 730

The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of various factors on the level of necessary costs to prevent and minimize the level of pollution from industrial activities. The study was conducted using econometric modeling methods, statistical and comparative analysis. A model was built for investments in all activities directly aimed at the prevention, reduction and elimination of environmental pollution. The following variables (factors) were used to construct these models: CO2 emission intensity, electricity consumption, losses during transmission and distribution of electricity, energy intensity and energy consumption, GDP at current prices and per capita, industrial production at current prices. The results of the studies to conclude that the level of energy intensity, energy consumption and GDP per unit of energy used affect changes in environmental costs. According the forecast model, the value of the necessary investments in the environment was determined, which show the need to increase the cost of protecting the environment. Thus, the share of investments aimed at protecting the environment in the total investment is only 1%, the share of investments in the green economy is 0.7%. The results can be used to develop recommendations for planning environmental costs and identifying investment indicators for sustainable development.

113-125 721

This scientific article deals with the issues of self-employment in the labor market of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

This article presents the trends in the development of self-employment in Kazakhstan, problems and factors that constrain the pace of development of the labor market. The authors of the article, as a result of self-employment research, reveal the problems of statistical accounting of self-employed citizens in the Republic of Kazakhstan, using the classification of all unformed labor agreements of citizens as «self-employed», which may seek to hide the true size of unemployment in the country.

The use of system analysis methods allowed us to identify the features of self-employment development in Kazakhstan. The tasks set in achieving the goals of the article, the conclusions and concepts obtained are based on the methods of logical and comparative analysis. A review of the world and domestic literature on self-employment was conducted.

To increase the effectiveness of programs for the development of the labor market, it is pointed out that it is necessary to improve the legal framework for self-employment, clarify the status of the self-employed population, and reduce the unemployment rate with the development of private entrepreneurship. The authors propose to improve practical steps in the regions for tax registration of unregistered persons engaged in business activities and informally employed employees, their involvement in the pension system, social and health insurance.

127-138 1009

The modern market of medical services of the Republic of Kazakhstan is demonopolized. There are state and private medical institutions in the market that compete with each other.

Given the limited financing of the health system and the transfer of outpatient facilities to economic management, the combination of improving the quality and accessibility of medical services for the population and the profitability of the institutions themselves is an important and rather difficult task. In the present study, this problem is proposed to be solved by applying marketing.

A modern understanding of the purpose of marketing is not to maximize profits, but to meet the basic needs of the population, ensuring the availability of socially significant goods and services. This emphasizes the social orientation of modern marketing and the achievement of a balance of three marketing goals: satisfying the needs of consumers, maximizing the profits of producers and taking into account the interests of society.

In the course of the analysis of the theoretical and methodological aspects of marketing medical services, as well as evaluating the marketing activities of Polyclinic No. 6 of Uralsk, it was revealed that, by improving marketing activities, outpatient organizations are able to compete with private medical institutions, in addition maintain and improve the quality medical services provided.

The article gives a theoretical and practical justification for the marketing of medical services in a modern economy and develops a marketing model for clinic number 6 in the city of Uralsk, West Kazakhstan region.

139-151 619

Sustainable growth of world trade in recent years has significantly influenced development of transportation and global supply chains in terms of multi- and inter-modality as well as intensified the competition between land- and sea-based transport corridors. In the framework of Trans-Eurasian land-based transport corridors, the concept of dry ports has gained a special attention.

The aim of this paper is to develop tools for assessing the quality of logistics services of dry ports. An analysis of methodological approaches and models made it possible to underline the following parameters for assessing the quality of logistics services of dry ports: the availability of infrastructure, equipment; the quality of operations and processes in the port; the quality of port management services; price compliance with the level of service quality; the use of information and communication technologies; multimodality and the provision of additional services. Based on an expert survey, weights of each sub-dimension were determined. The data was used in evaluating the “Khorgos Gateways” dry port. According to the results of the study, it was found that the level of quality of the port’s logistics service is average (3.15). Improving the quality of logistics services is required, taking into account new technological solutions that ensure the port’s competitiveness in the transport and logistics market in the context of the development of global supply chains and technological modernization.

153-163 795

The purpose of the article is to justify the implementation of new forms of cross-border cooperation in the context of deepening the regional interaction of neighboring states, while deepening the regional interaction of neighboring states.

The objectives of the study were to substantiate the main approaches to identify new forms of cross-border cooperation. It was found that the growing dynamics of world processes gives rise to new forms of interaction both on the basis of multilateral and bilateral cooperation. At the same time, new initiatives are being put forward in the format of cross-border relations. A special role in this case is played by border territories where it is possible to form “local” growth points based on the implementation of joint infrastructure trade and investment projects in the context of deepening regional cooperation between neighboring states.

The implementation of international infrastructure projects is one of the important tasks of the country and is associated with the state program of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Nurly Zhol” and the People’s Republic of China “One Belt, One Way” initiative in the context of increased cross-border interaction.

ISSN 1997-9967 (Print)
ISSN 2663-550X (Online)