
Economics: the strategy and practice

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Vol 19, No 1 (2024)
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6-18 410

From the very beginning of its rule, the Soviet Government paid attention to the development of the peoples living in the border areas. In 1926, the “Temporary Regulations on the Administration of Native Peoples and Tribes of the Northern Outskirts of the RSFSR” was adopted; it identified 36 ethnonyms and the territories of their original residence, to which particular preferences were distributed. The purpose of this article is to analyze the current situation and future prospects of the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Russian Far East against the background of socio-economic, political and cultural changes. It separates the indigenous peoples of the North from the ethnic diversity of Russia’s transformation from “aboriginal peoples” to “northern indigenous minorities” and further examines the problems associated with the growth of the “Siberian and Far Eastern” peoples. Attention is drawn to the fact that despite the compiled List of Northern Ethnic Groups, different numbers were considered in the ongoing population censuses. The ethnic self-determination of aboriginal peoples also changed from adopting the father’s nationality and, subsequently, the transition to the mother’s nationality, and vice versa, which led to “fluctuations” in the number of individual ethnic groups. Based on population census data (1926-2021), the dynamics of the number of indigenous peoples in the North, Siberia, and the Far East were analyzed, and it was noted that, in general, there is a positive increase in all northern ethnic groups. The dynamics of the population of the indigenous peoples were studied in more detail (1989-2021), making it possible to compare the demographic trends from the last population census of the USSR (1989) to those of the newborn Russia (2021). Grouped according to indigenous demographics, five groups were identified that represent different demographic directions. It is concluded that the growth in the number of indigenous peoples in the North, Siberia, and the Far East is primarily determined by non-demographic factors.

19-32 479

This article aims to analyse demographic and migration processes in Kazakhstan, focusing on identifying their impact on society’s economic, political and social aspects. The work methodology is based on comparisons and system-structural methods, such as control, generalization, systematization, logical analysis, and synthesis. The study used two main groups of indicators for 1990-2021. The first group included comparative indicators, such as the relative size of the population structure, the intensity and relative proportions of the structure, and the proportions of the urban and rural population. The second group included migration indicators, such as the number of arrivals to the settlement, the number of departures from the settlement, and absolute migration growth or balance. The study results reveal regional differences, especially in the context of migration processes. There is a negative balance of internal migration and high rates of population decline in the northern regions. In comparison, the southern regions are experiencing population growth, which poses new economic and social challenges. It is predicted that by 2050, the population of the south of regions will increase significantly. The authors emphasize the importance of an integrated approach to solving demographic problems, including improving well-being, providing affordable health care and developing effective demographic policies. In conclusion, it is noted that successfully overcoming demographic challenges requires balanced economic and social measures.

33-45 318

One of the main factors in the development of the state’s economy is science and innovation, namely human resources that realize these resources, with the help of high-quality scientists. In this regard, the purpose of the research article is to analyze the current state of personnel status in the field of science, identify gender characteristics, and give recommendations for improving personnel status. In the course of the study, an integrated approach was used, which included methods of analysis, synthesis, and comparative analysis. In addition, general scientific methods such as abstraction and deduction were used. As an information base, statistical data from the National Bureau of Statistics for the period 2018-2022 were used. In addition, the UN reports on science were used. In the course of the study, the results were obtained that there is a shortage of personnel in the field of science, a decrease in the number of scientists in technical specialties, low wages in this field, a small number of scientists with academic degrees, and gender inequality. To ensure economic development, it was proposed to rethink the education system and the field of science and the directions in which the problem of personnel in the field of science could be developed. The theoretical results of the study can be used in the continuation of research related to the personnel situation in the field of science. The results of the study can find practical application in reports, strategies and programs of government agencies.


46-56 452

The paper is devoted to the formulation of the problem of sustainable development of the intellectual economy and the use of the theory of constructivism in relation to solving the problems of institutional design of socio-economic systems. The purpose of this work is to explore the possibilities of applying the theory of constructivism to solve the problems of institutional design in the context of sustainable development of the intellectual economy. The author of the work proceeds from the need for a reasonable approach to action, which creates the basis for constructing an institutional environment, the source of which is the paradigm of self-organization of socio-economic systems, which underlies the theory and practice of radical constructivism. The study shows the links between sustainable development and the theory of institutional constructivism by identifying important goals, directions, and strategies. Based on the awareness of current global and national processes, the key issue is the transition to an innovative type of development. This transition involves important steps that involve changing the focus from traditional approaches in economics and production to strategies based on advanced technologies. This research is conducted by researchers, policymakers, and practitioners dealing with economic development, sustainability, and innovation.

57-69 319

The PRC is integrated into various economic communities, which allows it to play a significant role in the world market in the production of not only industrial products, but also agricultural ones. The purpose of this article is to analyze the export-import policy and dynamics of mutual trade in agricultural products between the EAEU and China, as well as the capitalization structure of Chinese agro-industrial companies. The article examines the legal basis of the export-import agricultural policy of the PRC, analyzes the dynamics of export-import of agricultural products between the EAEU and China, presents the distribution of Chinese agro-industrial companies by type of business and the distribution of capital of Chinese agro-industrial companies. The study used methods of analysis and synthesis of the studied material based on statistical data from the OECD, the World Bank, the IMF, the UN FAO, FAPRI, as well as the ministries specialized in agriculture of the PRC and the Russian Federation from 2015 to 2022. According to the forecast for 2023, India, China, Africa and a number of Central Asian countries will experience a decrease in world prices for agricultural products. The main conclusion is that China will remain self-sufficient in major crops, although production growth will slow in the coming years

70-87 442

This study delves into the perceptions and practices of the agricultural community regarding eco-friendly technologies and air pollution through a detailed clustering analysis of survey data. The primary objective is to identify distinct groups within the agricultural sector based on their responses to various factors, including demographic information, types of crops grown, perceptions of air pollution, and attitudes toward sustainable practices. The analysis employs K-Means clustering to categorize respondents into three distinct clusters, each representing a unique combination of views and practices. The findings are visualized using scatter plots and box plots, offering a clear depiction of the variations and commonalities within each cluster. The study reveals significant diversity in the adoption and perception of eco-friendly practices in agriculture. Some groups demonstrate high satisfaction and effectiveness, indicating successful integration of sustainable methods, while others show skepticism and challenges, possibly due to economic constraints or lack of access to resources and knowledge. The economic interpretation of these clusters suggests that varying levels of resource availability, technological access, and knowledge dissemination influence differences in the adoption of sustainable practices. The study concludes with recommendations for targeted policy-making, educational initiatives, and resource allocation to support and enhance the adoption of eco-friendly practices across different segments of the agricultural community. This tailored approach can significantly contribute to the broader objective of promoting sustainable agriculture and environmental stewardship.

88-103 343

Kazakhstan demonstrates its commitment to promoting gender equality and works closely with the global community. Over the past decade, the gender gap in the structure of the labor force of the Republic of Kazakhstan has narrowed slightly. However, gender gaps persist. Women in Kazakhstan make up slightly more than half of the country’s total population. Still, their contribution to the republic’s economic performance, growth, and well-being is significantly below its potential. Access to the Republic’s gender statistics is essential and critical for studying and tracking changes in gender inequality. This article examines the gender dynamics of the labor market of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the macro and micro levels using a geographic information system (GIS). GIS tools provide display and analysis capabilities that are underutilized in workforce development, monitoring, and management. In this study, the authors tried to model spatial indicators of gender inequality in the labor market of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The study results show that the employment rate and the level of women’s wages are primarily related to the gender segregation of vocational education, which lays the foundation for sectoral differentiation of employment with different geographical distributions. The greater competitiveness of women in the labor market of Kazakhstan is also hampered by the so-called “glass ceiling” or low accessibility to leadership positions. The wage gap between men and women in the republic has remained unchanged for a long time and shows no signs of reduction. In addition, such an important element of the labor market as unpaid domestic work, which is carried out mainly by women, remains unrecognized.


104-115 278

The purpose of the written study is to study the relationship between the qualifications of the CFO and the nonlinear system of the firm’s internal control system. We used three indicators of the competence of the CFO: financial education, accounting, seniority, and education. Using the model of Kazakhstan companies registered on the stock exchange in 2023. In the methodology of the internal control system, in which stimuli cause a reverse response, the internal control system should be recognized as a nonlinear approach that can have a high impact if it has little impact. The results of this study show a negative relationship between the financial, accounting experience of a CFO and work experience under a nonlinear system of internal control, which indicates that firms with high-quality CFO are facing a nonlinear internal control system in business. A business management team with a large number of employees is associated with an effective internal control system. In addition, the political preferences of senior management directly and indirectly affect the quality of financial statements through the internal control system. Several reliability tests confirm our main results. The results show that a capable CFO can effectively implement a suitable subsystem. The results of the study of a nonlinear system of internal control in business, in terms of improving individual elements of internal control in companies, can be used by members of audit firms.

116-135 495

This article aims to develop scientific and methodological proposals and practical recommendations to improve the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of investment activities of insurance organizations. The work uses scientific methods for studying the processes of economic reality - systematic analysis, generalization, grouping, observation, logical and comparative methods of analysis, abstract logical thinking, comparative analysis, mathematical modeling, econometric analysis, actuarial calculations, etc. Based on the systematization of information on investment activities, investment policies, and experience of insurance companies in developed countries, the use of statistical and mathematical methods of data processing, diversification of the financial and investment activities of insurance companies, recommendations, and indicators used to assess the effectiveness of insurance companies have been developed, identified and classified into individual areas, external and internal factors influencing the financial stability of insurance organizations, the possibilities of increasing the amount of profit they receive are substantiated, proposals are given to improve the methodology for managing the investment portfolio of insurance companies, and prospects for the development of modern options for investment activities are identified. The effective organization of the mechanism for monitoring the financial stability of insurance companies allows for minimizing the level of missed opportunities in achieving the company’s strategic goals based on econometric forecasting of financial stability and assessment of financial risks. In order to strengthen the role of insurance companies in increasing the investment potential of the country Uzbekistan, it is proposed to develop the securities market, the market for government, corporate, and municipal bonds.

ISSN 1997-9967 (Print)
ISSN 2663-550X (Online)