The role of human resources in increasing competitiveness is enormous, including people with higher education, a certain status or academic degree, as well as knowledgeable human resources. The objective is to identify the scientific potential across Kazakhstan’s regions using the index assessment method and to analyze the differences between regions. Thus, the authors determine the scientific potential in the regions by the method of index assessment, using factors such as the proportion of people working in the field of science in the region and the amount of spending on science in that region. Conducting a regional analysis provides important information in the management of the state. According to this rating, the cities of Abay region (0.27), Almaty (0.58) and Astana (0.44) were in the lead, and Turkestan (0.02), Atyrau (0.02) and Ulytau (0.001) were in the last place.After all, since most of the scientific research organizations and universities are located in Astana and Almaty, the funds allocated from the Center for science and the number of people engaged in science are concentrated in these cities. This article also revealed the correlation of factors affecting the number of people involved in science in the country’s regions. As a result of the study, it was found that the number of people engaged in science in the regions is directly affected by the internal costs of research work in the regions. At the end of the article, recommendations were given on increasing scientific and high intellectual potential. These recommendations can be used by persons and organizations interested in the development of Science in the regions and applied to the teaching aids of higher educational institutions.
The article aims to assess the relationship between research and development costs and the level of innovation activity of enterprises in Kazakhstan. The research methodology involves correlation analysis, applying quantitative methods to analyze the collected data from official statistical yearbooks from 2007 to 2022. Correlation analysis with five variables on innovation activity and the impact of research and development costs on that, using Excel and Smart PLS 4 programs were used. According to the results of research, there was a positive impact of R&D expenditure on the level of innovation activity of enterprises mostly, secondly on the ratio of innovative product to gross domestic product, volume of innovative products (goods, services), and showing not so strong correlation on costs of product and process innovations. Digital hubs perform as an ecosystem with a network approach, including organizations in a region to undergo digital transformation in the era of the digital economy and digital technologies. The results of current research might be helpful to academicians and public administration. The originality of the study consists in assessing the impact of R&D expenditure on innovation management in a particular level of innovation activity, the share of innovative products about GDP, costs of product and process innovations, the volume of innovative products (goods, services) to a proper subsequent further contribution. As a result, it is recommended that policy measures focus on enhancing digital infrastructure and supporting R&D investments to ensure sustained innovation performance and economic development.
The emergence of Islamic microfinance in Indonesia has become an urgent necessity to provide financing for people experiencing poverty in rural areas. Providing interest-free funding is a solution to help people experiencing poverty improve their income through Islamic philanthropic funds such as zakat, infaq, and sadaqah. This study aims to show the Islamic microfinance model that can be applied by villages in Indonesia and utilize the village’s potential as a model for Islamic microfinance to alleviate poverty. This research undertakes quantitative research by employing SEM (Structural Equation Model) analysis with the Lisrel 8.80 tool. The results of this study found that Islamic microfinance models such as zakat and infaq significantly improve the quality of life of communities through the provision of goods and interest-free loans. Specifically, the analysis revealed that zakat and infaq contributions positively affected community income, with a t-value of 2.54 and 2.74, respectively, indicating significant statistical influence. However, it was found that sadaqah contributions have a lower influence on community income because the programs funded through this source occur only once a year, prompting communities to seek other sources of loans for their needs. This study implies that Islamic philanthropy institutions provide the best solution to empower farmers’ communities with new models and strategies. The novelty of this study is the Islamic microfinance model through optimizing Islamic social funds to alleviate poverty. Different research methodology using a quantitative approach is recommended for future research to enrich the literature in this field.
In recent decades, renewable energy sources (hereinafter - RES) have become an increasingly important component of global energy policy, especially in the context of the need for sustainable development and the fight against climate change. This study analyzes the role of international cooperation in the development of RES in Kazakhstan and assesses its impact on national strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and transitioning to sustainable energy. The research employs cluster analysis to identify groups of partner countries with similar energy and environmental profiles, complemented by Ward’s dendrogram and scenario analysis to predict the future directions of international cooperation. Data from the Bureau of National Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including greenhouse gas emissions, the share of renewable energy in total energy consumption, water resource availability, fuel exports, and energy intensity, were utilized. Three main clusters were identified: countries with advanced technologies in the field of RES, countries with emerging RES markets, and countries focused on hydrocarbon exports but seeking to diversify their energy resources. Cluster analysis revealed that Kazakhstan falls into the group with high energy intensity and a low share of RES in the energy balance (1.8%). Scenario analysis demonstrated that with active international cooperation, the share of RES in Kazakhstan could increase to 10-12% by 2030, and energy intensity could decrease, leading to a reduction in CO2 emissions. For future research, an in-depth analysis of Kazakhstan’s international cooperation in the field of renewable energy sources with an emphasis on regional specifics is recommended.
Attractions in the tourism industry are one of the components that motivate tourists to visit destinations, such as entertainment, natural, cultural, and historical richness. For such reasons, people decide to visit unique destinations and spend time there. Almaty, the largest city of Kazakhstan, is one of the significant attraction centers of the Central Asia region, offering tourists unique and pleasant features with several tourist attractions. This study aims to analyze online user reviews of tourist attractions in Almaty, Kazakhstan, using machine learning and text mining methods. The primary focus is on identifying the main thematic clusters of reviews and their sentiment and comparing these themes with the types of attractions: historical, natural, and man-made. A total of 7,515 reviews were collected from the TripAdvisor website. The data was processed using sentiment analysis, topic modeling, and hierarchical clustering methods. The analysis revealed that 38% of the reviews were related to natural attractions, 34% to man-made, and 28% to historical ones. The most positive reviews were associated with natural attractions, while historical and man-made attractions received 79.38% and 81.40% positive reviews, respectively. In addition, the items that make up these attractions are identified, and their sentiment levels are pointed out. In addition to this situation, visitors have the most positive expressions for natural attractions, especially landscapes and lakes. The findings emphasize the importance of considering review themes to improve the quality of tourist services and to enhance the positive image of Almaty as a tourist destination.
Sharing tourism-generated revenues with local people has become a popular strategy for implementing sustainability in nature-based tourism destinations globally. Although the local people have received some economic gains from tourism development, there are still some limitations to fair income sharing. These limitations are evident in many underdeveloped countries and lead to a passive situation of local community participation in tourism development. The primary purpose of this article is to determine the level of tourism revenue sharing in the Aksu-Zhabagly tourist destination and, at the same time, to make appropriate recommendations on the remaining issues. To understand the status of tourism revenue sharing, we surveyed the perceptions of 44 nature reserve employees and 66 travel company workers, respectively. The survey results show that although the business operations of tourism organizers do not harm the living environment of the local population, they usually do not spend part of the income from tourism on the common good of the local population. Most residents are unsatisfied with tourism development, and their participation in tourism is also comparatively low. The results also reveal that the comparatively low level of sharing the tourism-associated revenue with local development is the leading indirect cause of residents’ dissatisfaction with the development of the tourism industry. In conclusion, we believe that the results of this study and our recommendations help local authorities understand the importance of removing constraints in the fair distribution of tourism revenues in this tourist destination.
In the modern world, income inequality is growing, the share of labor income is decreasing, and the problems of overcoming poverty and equalizing people’s living standards have become acute. The article aimed to study trends in regional and sectoral inequality of labor income in Kazakhstan, identify contradictions and causes of their differentiation, and develop recommendations for reduction. The hypothesis: the assumption that the size of regional inequality of labor income depends on the sectoral specialization of the regional economy. Tasks: review theoretical issues of income inequality, analyze wage trends in Kazakhstan’s regions and their primary industries, and develop recommendations to reduce income inequality. The proof/refutation of the hypothesis was carried out by assessing regional and sectoral differences in the labor incomes of Kazakhstanis and identifying their contradictions. The methods are generalization and concretization, comparisons and analogs, systematic approach, economic and statistical, comparative analysis, Pareto, and indicative. Information base: domestic and foreign scientists’ works, data from the Bureau of National Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and regional statistical services. Results: the methods of overcoming income inequality in world practice were identified; it was proved that despite wage growth, the share of labor income is decreasing; regional wage inequality in Kazakhstan in 2022 amounted to 2.3 times. It is recommended that regional inequality of labor income be reduced by introducing regional coefficients and shifting taxation from labor income to income from capital and property.
The study aims to explore the intricate relationships between migration flows, employment dynamics, and economic growth in the United States from 1990 to 2022. Specifically, it assesses the impact of refugee admissions and legal permanent residents on GDP and GDP per capita in both the short and long term. A comprehensive econometric approach was employed, including correlation analysis, regression modeling, and dynamic trend evaluation. The study tested three hypotheses concerning the effects of employment growth on GDP, the distinct impacts of different migration flows, and the influence of these factors on employment rates. The study utilizes data from Statista for employment and migration figures, and GDP data from the World Bank. The analysis revealed a significant negative correlation between employment rates and GDP (r = - 0.701, p < 0.001) and GDP per capita (r = - 0.686, p < 0.001), indicating that declining employment rates are associated with increased economic output. Employment growth, counterintuitively, correlates negatively with GDP, suggesting that other factors such as productivity and technological advancements offset labor market contractions. Key results highlight the differentiated economic contributions of various migrant categories and their implications for policy. The findings underscore the complex and multifaceted nature of migration’s impact on the U.S. economy. While migration generally contributes positively in the long term, short-term challenges, particularly from refugee admissions, can strain economic resources. The study highlights the need for tailored economic and integration policies to maximize the benefits of migration while mitigating its challenges.
State regulation of population employment (hereinafter – SREP) is critical in ensuring national stability and prosperity. The present study aims to explore avenues for enhancing SREP in Kazakhstan and formulate actionable implementation proposals. The methodology employed encompasses scientific abstraction, comparative analysis through induction and deduction, communication analysis, statistical data analysis, and an integrated approach to generate comprehensive insights. The study reveals a 1-3% increase in the workforce and self-employed individuals over the past three years, which signifies moderate but consistent growth in labor participation. However, the COVID-19 pandemic led to a temporary 2% rise in unemployment in 2022, a setback followed by a reduction to 1% by the end of 2023, indicating a gradual improvement in labor market conditions. The study proposes innovative measures aimed at fostering job creation, especially in emerging sectors such as information technology and the “green” economy, emphasizing the need for strategic investment in these areas. Furthermore, recommendations are provided to support entrepreneurship and the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, which are pivotal for sustainable employment growth. The findings of this research indicate that the proposed measures have the potential to enhance employment levels and contribute to overall economic growth significantly. The contribution of this study lies in identifying effective strategies for further development and enhancement of SREP to increase employment opportunities and promote economic resilience in Kazakhstan. Future research will examine the impact of legislative changes on employment, the implications of automation and digitalization, and provide a comparative analysis of successful international employment regulation practices.
Dual education, a hybrid model combining classroom learning with practical on-site training, is critical to vocational and technical education (TVET). Despite its widespread implementation, there are significant gaps in understanding how dual education influences student satisfaction. The primary objective of this study is to investigate the key factors influencing student satisfaction in Kazakhstan’s dual education system, focusing on the impact of practical and theoretical training. This study adopted a quantitative approach, and data were collected from students enrolled in dual education programs across various educational institutions using a structured survey. The survey measured overall satisfaction and professional experience on a Likert scale. The analysis revealed that the practical component of dual education significantly increases student satisfaction by 42.3%, followed by theoretical training (35.1%) and professional experience (16.6%). The model explains 46.3% of the variance in overall student satisfaction. This suggests that practical and theoretical components are critical to enhancing student experiences in dual education programs. The findings highlight the need for further development in both practical and theoretical aspects of dual education to meet student and labor market needs. The study’s implications are essential for improving vocational training programs, particularly aligning education with market expectations. The implications of our study can be instrumental in refining educational programs and aligning them with the needs of students and the labor market. Further research is necessary to explore the specific challenges different specializations face in dual education.
ISSN 2663-550X (Online)