
Economy: strategy and practice

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Vol 15, No 4 (2020)
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11-20 504
The effective functioning of the education system, including higher education, is one of the actively discussed topics related to the socio-economic development of the country in the modern world. It is known that the status of a country is determined by the level of realization of its educational potential, the main indicator of which is the rating of a higher educational institution in world rankings. The inclusion of higher education institutions in the world rankings and a strong position equal to or comparable with the world’s leading universities can be seen as a sign of competitiveness of higher education and result of the effectiveness of reforms and the timely introduction of innovations. Universities in the CIS countries have managed to take a worthy place and demonstrate positive dynamics that characterize the effectiveness of educational reforms in these countries. The authors of this article presented the results of the analysis of the dynamics of higher education institutions in the international rankings of higher education in relation to the specifics of the development of higher education.
21-38 882
The article discusses the terminology of the concept of “management” and “management system” as the most important aspects of modern enterprises from the perspective of various authors, as well as a review of methodological approaches to assessing the effectiveness of modern enterprise management systems. The effectiveness of the management system is considered from the point of view of two approaches: economic and social efficiency. Both approaches are presented as a system of indicators that can be used to quantify the management system of a modern enterprise. The paper presents the calculation of performance indicators of the management system on the example of a hypothetical enterprise in quantitative determinants. For a more accurate assessment of the effectiveness of the management system based on the calculated indicators, the Lorenz - Meissel balanced scorecard models are used. In addition, in order to better characterize the management system operating in the enterprise, the concept of “management grid” is used, which includes two components of the Manager’s work: attention to solving production problems, and the second - attention to people. In order to increase the economic efficiency of the enterprise management system, the following measures are proposed: 1. Improvement of labor regulation of administrative and managerial personnel.2. Improving the organization of production and labor by improving the use of working time of administrative and managerial personnel. 3. Reduce the maintenance costs of the management unit. The economic feasibility of the proposed measures is proved using advanced modern methods that prove the effectiveness of the presented measures, which is reflected in the table of technical and economic indicators of the forecast period.
39-50 692
The purpose of the article is to put forward the problem of the relationship between culture and economic development of the country as a way to consolidate successful economic development in the long term and to assess the impact of culture indicators on economic growth indicators. The article uses the methods of logical research, forecasting, analysis and synthesis based on the system-information approach, the methods of R. Inglehart of the relationship between cultural characteristics and the level of socio-economic development and G. Hofstede of measuring the socio-cultural characteristics of culture. The novelty of the article is justification of the fact that in the conditions of economic instability is of particular importance the proposed approach is based on a study of the economic impact of cultural sector on the growth rate of the economy. It is hypothesized that to achieve socio-economic progress and consolidate the successful development of the country required a close relationship of state and public institutions, culture and applied at the appropriate stage of the standards and their relationship and growth of economic development. The problem of dependence on the previous development of the economy - the «rut effect» and economic statistical indicators in the field of culture in the EU countries are analyzed. Recommendations for changing the sociocultural attitudes of society and its values in the direction of economic development with higher rates of economic growth are proposed. The article makes analytical conclusions about the trends of employment and entrepreneurship in the cultural sphere of the EU countries.
51-57 635
The article aims to determine the role and place of monetary policy in the economic development of the country. When conducting a chronological analysis, attention is focused on the periods of sharp devaluation of the national currency. A dynamic assessment of changes in the exchange rate against the us dollar was made. The policy of the National Bank in the context of the crisis is consistently analyzed and evaluated. An econometric assessment of the investment function is made to justify the monetary policy instruments used. The model is based on quarterly statistics for the last ten years in Kazakhstan. The authors revealed the necessary conditions for the occurrence of speculative attacks on the currency market. Based on these patterns, three options for the Central Bank’s actions to prevent speculative attacks are proposed. The resulting investment model of Kazakhstan allows concluding that the inflation targeting policy cannot ensure sustainable economic growth. The authors concluded that monetary policy plays an important role in macroeconomic regulation. At the same time, the raw material orientation of the economy imposes restrictions on the use of classical monetary policy instruments.Keywords: economic growth, monetary policy, inflation targeting, investments, speculative attacks, exchangerate.
59-71 520
Food security is part of the national security of the country, because no country can ensure national security, including economic security, without meeting the demand for quality food. Consumption of basic foodstuffs is one of the main components of the living standards of the population, a general description of the social situation in the region, the sum of the vital benefits consumed mainly by the population, as well as a key factor of stability. The study presents the results of the consumption of certain types of agricultural products per capita. The normative rights of food consumption were compared with the physiological norms of consumption, and the regional aspect of per capita consumption in terms of minimum and maximum consumption was considered. The volume of food consumption for 2015-2019 was determined, showing the leading and least consumed regions. In recent years, the level of the structure of food consumption of the population has changed significantly, which is influenced by a number of factors: national characteristics of nutrition; climate of the territory; economic factors.
73-80 479
This article discusses the issues of improving the system of state planning in the Republic of Kazakhstan, taking into account the OECD methodology. According to the authors, the priorities for assessing the effectiveness of the state planning system should include the development and use of a system of target indicators and a corresponding monitoring system. Based on the generalization of international and domestic experience in the field of strategic planning, the authors propose the use of the OECD methodology. As novelty, authors identified a system of indicators of “green growth”, analyze the dynamics of relevant indicators in the national statistics and substantiate recommendations to the Government on further improvement of the state planning system at the stage of its modernization.
81-88 969
The purpose of research paper is to analyze the structure of youth employment for 2014-2018, determine the impact of the pandemic on the development of national and regional labor markets, highlight the problems of imbalance in the youth labor market, identify the peculiarities of internal migration of the young population in the labor market of Kazakhstan. Methodology. The research methodology includes general scientific, private, empirical and theoretical research methods. Methods and tools of statistical analysis, comparative, structural, and factor analysis were used in the preparation of the article. Methods of tabular and graphical representation of data are used as statistical tools. Originality/value of the research - Ensuring youth employment has an impact on the country’s economic growth and socio-economic modernization and is considered as one of the most important factors determining the quantitative and qualitative parameters of the total labor force reproduction. Findings. Authors suggest measures to improve the situation of young people in the labor market of Kazakhstan.
89-100 557
When we look at the evolution of Islamic banking, especially after the 1990s, it is noteworthy that Islamic banking has achieved an important development momentum both in the world and in Central Asia. In Kazakhstan, one of the important countries of Central Asia, Islamic banking is also developed parallel to the development trend in the region. Islamic banking has been on the agenda especially in the aftermath of the 2008 global economic crisis. In fact, it is thought that by 2030, Kazakhstan will become an Islamic center for the CIS and Central Asian countries, thus becoming an important key country for the development of Islamic finance. In view of this importance in the Islamic banking sector, this study focuses on the past, present and future of Islamic banking in Kazakhstan.
101-110 2450
Currently, China, as the largest economic power, exerts a powerful influence on neighboring countries in the region on various aspects of regional and international interaction: from military issues to economic cooperation. One of these regions is Central Asia( CA), which has become an important target for China’s plans in the last decade in the light of the implementation of its foreign economic strategy. Kazakhstan, in turn, being the largest economy in Central Asia, is also aimed at developing regional economic cooperation with other countries in the region: Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. At the same time, the economy of all Central Asian countries, and especially Kazakhstan itself, is strongly influenced by China’s projects aimed at interacting with them. Among these projects, the most important place is occupied by the «one belt one road» project, the Asian infrastructure investment Bank, the silk road Fund, etc. created in connection with it. The purpose of the article is to identify the impact of China’s projects in Central Asia on the development of economic cooperation between Kazakhstan and neighboring countries in the Central Asian region. To achieve this goal, we used such methods of analytical and statistical research as analysis of foreign and domestic publications on the topic under study, statistical data describing the economy and foreign trade of China and Central Asian countries. China, which is currently a major player in the economy of Central Asian countries and especially for Kazakhstan, has an additional, both positive and negative impact on Kazakhstan’s strategic economic cooperation with other Central Asian countries.
111-121 1565
The stability of public finances ensures a stable, effective development of the state, and as a result - an increase in the level and quality of life of the population. A country that has domestic sources of financing as the basis for its development has more stable and higher long-term development and growth prospects. The elements of the financial system support and reinforce each other, and the main levers of influence on the economy are within the country. Only in this case it can be argued that the country has long-term financial sovereignty. This article evaluates the sustainability of public finances of the Republic of Kazakhstan based on the calculation of indicators of the financial stability of the state. At the same time, the assessment of the sustainability of public finances in the work is considered from the point of view of the impact of public debt, therefore, structural coefficients of the composition of external and internal debt, which characterize the debt burden, debt dependence of the budget, the citizen of the country, as well as the debt limit, etc. The calculated coefficients based on the data of Kazakhstan were compared with their threshold values, as a result of which a number of conclusions were made about the sustainability of public finances of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In addition, the coefficients were determined that are at the limit at the time of the study, and an increase in which may negatively affect the sustainability of public finances of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
123-138 2122
The aim of the study is to provide theoretical justification and develop practical recommendations in the field of methods for assessing the tax burden and regulating its value, which contributes to the innovative development of the economy. The object of study is the tax burden of subjects of Kazakhstan, considered in the aspect of rationalization in order to stimulate the growth of GRP. The subject of the study is the processes of forming the tax burden, as well as models for assessing its acceptablelevel. Research methods. In the study, various methods were used to obtain, process and analyze the source materials:general scientific methods, methods of economic analysis, mathematical statistics, economic and mathematical modeling. The actual data processing and corresponding calculations were carried out using the Microsoft Excel table processor. The author’s contribution to the study. The author made a contribution to the development of theoretical and methodological provisions, conclusions, scientific and practical recommendations for modeling the impact of the tax burden on GRP and testing the results of the study. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the development of theoretical and methodological provisions for improving the assessment of the tax burden on the economy, taking into account the factors introduced by the reform of the tax system. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the theoretical provisions justified in the work, the proposals and recommendations contained in it can be used: by public administration bodies in developing comprehensive measures to build an effective tax system; by tax authorities in order to analyze financial and economic activities and identify factors affecting the level of tax burden and non-fulfillment of tax obligations; by enterprises in the field of tax management and business planning.
139-146 693
Reliable and timely statistical information about the industry is needed, to monitor and develop strategies and programs for the economic development of creative industries. To date, the lack of international standards for collecting data on cultural industries is a major obstacle for governments that want to track the economic and social impact of creative industries, and also makes it difficult to compare internationally. The purpose of this study is to review the methodological basis for collecting statistical information in the field of creative industries. To achieve this goal, a structured literature review was carried out, as a result of which the existing methodologies for monitoring and evaluating creative industries, methods for calculating indicators of creative industries and the creative economy in international practice were analyzed. The obstacles that arise in the collection of statistics were identified, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of existing methods of collecting statistical information in the field of creative industries.
147-154 531
With the growing socio-economic threats associated with the risk of involving second-tier banks in the legalization of illegal income, it is necessary to create an effective financial monitoring system to reduce this risk. Aim of the research is to propose and test a model of financial security management in second-tier banks in Kazakhstan, based on a combination of clustering models and recursive least squares, which allows for three-level processing of incoming information in banks in order to identify hidden data that pose a financial threat to the activities of second-tier banks. The research methodology is based on a combination of APC-III clustering algorithm models and the recursive least squares (RLS) method, with the algorithm slightly modified in accordance with the OECD recommendations. This ap proach made it possible to consider the operations of banks at three levels and, during transitions, identify suspicious transactions that require immediate examination by the bank’s management. Application of the model made it possible to reveal that, on average, about a third of banks’ operations can be classified as suspicious, which means they require careful study. In our case, we selected 200 cases from the original data mixed with 70 suspicious transactions to study the model. As a result of statistical processing of banking operations, 90 operational data were identified, of which 27 turned out to be suspicious, that is, about 30% of verified transactions were found suspicious. As a result of providing this information, the bank was able to identify 19 transactions aimed at money laundering.
155-167 630
This article investigates the mechanisms of investing into Kazakhstan through banking innovations, assesses the current standing and the role of foreign subsidiary banks in the existing macroeconomic ecosystem in the region, and studies the perspectives of attracting new players in line the full membership of Kazakhstan into WTO. In addition to that, the purpose of this exercise is to hypothetically evaluate the effects of the current negative global economy trends on the banking system of Kazakhstan.
169-179 911
In the context of modern economic development, issues of the development of digital economies, especially during the period of the restructuring of a number of countries on the rails of the fourth industrial revolution, are becoming particularly relevant. The formation of the digital economy is an urgent task for the development of the country, the solution of which is able to reflect the challenges of global competition and ensure national security. Thanks to the rapid development of information and communication technologies, a basis has emerged for the development of the digital economy and the subsequent digital transformation of industries, where one of the key elements is digital platforms, which are not just a built-in hardware-software complex, but a system of interconnected applications, programs and business operations that ensure the effective functioning of all processes in the company. In the frame-work of this scientific article, approaches to the concept of “digital platform” and its typology are examined in detail. Particular attention was paid to open educational resources (OER), open / virtual laboratories, social networks of scientists and crowdfunding platforms. For each of them, an example was given from foreign and domestic platforms, a comparative analysis was carried out.
181-192 650
The article was written in order to develop specific proposals for the development of the project management system, in terms of improving the institutional and legal support, as well as improving the organization of the project office based on the analysis of the current state of work on the principles of project management in the public sector of Kazakhstan. In general, the concept of application of project management is considered from the point of view of the state planning system, which is currently functioning in the country. That is, the use of elements and tools of project management is imposed on the current law, namely in the part of documents that make up state planning. Thus, the article used not only an analytical approach, but also an informational one. The conclusion is made and substantiated about the need for an organization to reach a certain level of maturity before implementing project management. Specific proposals have also been made regarding amendments to the legal part. The architecture of a virtual project office, which is gaining its relevance recently, is described. The role of the executive secretary is also considered separately, it is proposed that this category be assigned to the position of special powers of the project manager. The following research methods were used: document analysis, case studies, deduction, generalization and concretization.
193-204 1426
The successful development of national economies requires a certain technological potential. Technological advantages have become a decisive factor in international competition, so it is extremely important to achieve the implementation of the accumulated technological potential and its further strengthening. The article assesses the current state of the technological potential of Kazakhstan An analysis of existing domestic and foreign approaches to the assessment of technological potential. The current state of scientific and technical potential of Kazakhstan is assessed. It was noted that in recent years the country has taken measures to create new forms of science funding management, but the level of scientific and technological potential still does not fully meet the needs of society, the needs of the real sector of the economy. The subject of the research is the technological potential of the development of innovative economy in Kazakhstan to ensure the country’s global competitiveness in the world market.

ISSN 1997-9967 (Print)
ISSN 2663-550X (Online)