
Economy: strategy and practice

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Vol 16, No 4 (2021)
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6-17 796

Education has become an important mechanism in the goal of gender equality achievement. For many decades, access to education was one of the key issues for women. These days it is an issue of not only developing countries but of developed ones as well. Women have become more active in higher education, especially in achieving master degree or PhD. This is due to that public policies are directed at the improvement of the structure of higher education. It includes promotion of human resources diversification among academic staff. This article studies the vision of women regarding higher education. What is the importance of it? This is especially carrier opportunities in higher education. It also discusses carrier opportunities for women in other fields, which has influence on women desire to continue their education. What influence does it have on private life? Higher education also covers state of selfdevelopment, personal improvement and family relationships. The study was provided under the framework of social behavior communication change, which includes four key factors of social behavior. There was conducted a semistructured interview among women. For the interview analysis, Dedoose software was used. According to the results of the study, there have been identified two main factors, which have a great Impact on women participation in higher education. These factors are cultural standard family issues. Major outcomes of higher education for women: potential realization, promotion of women rights. This determines the importance of social behavior in the development of a policy, development of laws and regulations.

18-33 661

The purpose of the article investigates introducing new products processes at mechanical engineering enterprises based on the innovative transformation of vacuum production equipment. In the context of global competition activities of large Kazakhstan’s enterprises are characterized by an insufficient level of innovation activity. Building the infrastructure and production potential is the main in effective management production activities of engineering enterprises. The heads of enterprises are primarily concerned by the situation since innovation development has a significant impact on competitiveness, industrial enterprises’ export potential and could ensure the balance of the economic sectors. Authors are interested in conducting an economic analysis of the business entities’ activities, which aimed at efficiency increasing and quality of work in all links of industrial production. Authors suppose that practice requires the development of complex measures related to the peculiarities of investigating scientific and practical problems of increasing the production activities efficiency in the economy. In the authors’ opinion, the investment project can become the basis for effective innovation implementation at mechanical engineering enterprises. They analyzed the financial activity of the enterprise and developed measures to reduce the production costs and products sales on the example of JSC «Vostokmashzavod». The result of the study is an investment project that arouses interest from the subjects of the machine-building industry from the point of view of the practical applicability of projects to reduce production costs, and the efficiency of their management.


34-45 897

This article an attempt was made to assess the entry of the Moscow Exchange in the capital of the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange as one of the alternative ways to enhance the country rankings of Kazakhstan and entering developing countries. For the study, methods of cognition, economic analysis and comparisons, study of documents, etc. Materials were used. An institutional approach was also applied, and in assessing country risk were used by the methods of widely well-known international rating agencies MSCI and FTSE Group. The scientific and information base was scientific publications of foreign and domestic scientists, as well as regulatory acts of Kazakhstan. Based on monitoring and analyzing existing country risk calculation methodologies, the MSCI indices, according to which the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2017 are chosen as banchmark. Awarded the «Frontier Market» rating. The key goals of cooperation and the entry of the Moscow Exchange in the capital of the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange were revealed. A qualitative and quantitative analysis of the Investor Base of the Moscow Exchange for the attractiveness of assets as a key determinant of its liquidity is carried out. It was concluded that according to the current market position, the influx of even 1% of the average monthly trading volume of retail investors on MOEX (20 billion tenge) on the KASE stock exchange market will lead to an increase in the volume of trading in KASE individuals four times.

46-61 1273

The relevance of the study is determined by fact that Kazakhstan faces difficult tasks to ensure sustainable economic growth, the solution largely depends on investment policy. Since the key feature of the country’s economy is a high level of technological heterogeneity, new industrial policy, implemented in the country since 2010, is designed to eliminate the technological backwardness of industries, ensure the renewal of capital, and create new points of innovation and investment growth. The purpose of the article is to identify the main problems of the investment policy of Kazakhstan, based on the analysis of its generalized indicators, and to formulate the directions for its improvement in the medium term. Following global trends, Kazakhstan is entering the stage of the fourth energy transition to the use of renewable energy sources. However, the continued dependence of the country’s economy on energy leads to the fact that the decline in prices for raw materials in the world markets reduces the competitive position of mining enterprises in the world market. In light of the above and given that the field of renewable energy sources will become the most attractive investment area in the foreseeable future, the authors emphasize the importance of structural measures to improve the investment environment for attracting foreign capital and advanced technologies to the development of alternative energy. In the context of the increasing complexity of national industries, the considered experience of Kazakhstan in improving investment policy can be useful for an in-depth study of transformational transformations in countries with a transitional economy.


62-75 692

The purpose of this article is to conduct a study of the resource potential and export opportunities of the agroindustrial complex of West Kazakhstan region. Monographic, abstract-logical and economic-statistical methods were used during the research. Based on the principles of classical economic theory, institutional theory, the concepts of export potential of the agro-food complex and food industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan were investigated, and the specifics of its formation were revealed, taking into account the object of research. On the basis of economic and statistical methods, we assessed the trends and prospects of growth of food production and export potential of Kazakhstan’s agro-food complex. In addition to some specific methods, the following scientific approaches to the analysis of the problem were used: dialectics, abstraction, deduction, induction, analysis and synthesis. The article provides an analysis of the resource potential of export opportunities of the agro-industrial complex of West Kazakhstan region. The study of exports of agro-industrial complex products for the last 5 years is presented, the emphasis is placed on the problems of non-tariff regulation of exports of agro-industrial complex products of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Results of the study: Based on the analysis of the level of diversification of exports of the RK in the context of aggregated commodity groups, the authors show that the highest concentration of exports is observed in the export of mineral products, and a stable upward trend in diversification is observed in the export of products of animal and plant origin.

76-89 617

This article deals with one of the most pressing issues today: the study of trends in the development and disappearance of the regions of Kazakhstan. The article discusses the features and opportunities of strategic development of regions in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as regional development trends and issues of regional extinction. The main relevance of the article is that it provides accurate information about trends in the development and disappearance of the regions of Kazakhstan. The purpose of the article is to consider possible ways to overcome negative trends in the country and improve depopulation and demographics. Scientific significance, Regional Development, and extinction issues, as well as comparative information on depopulation in the country, are presented. The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the results of this work when studying demographics, become valuable information for students of higher educational institutions. The following research methods were used in the work: text analysis in the form of analysis of scientific literature affecting the study of demographics, comparative analysis in the form of study and generalization of information obtained during the study; as well as statistical methods, synthesis were used. As auxiliary methods of empirical research: comparison, generalization is used. The main conclusions and value of the study: the article presents the emergence of the problem of depopulation and the main reasons for the disappearance and depopulation of the regions of Kazakhstan. At the same time, the current state of development trends in Kazakhstan and current and new data on extinction and depopulation are provided.

90-101 1279

The purpose of the article is to analyze the directions of cross-border cooperation between Russia and Kazakhstan, identify problems and prospects for its development. The subject of the research is the socio-economic relations arising in the process of cross-border cooperation between Russia and Kazakhstan. The object of the research was the border regions of Russia and Kazakhstan. The research methodology is based on the application of an institutional approach to the study of cross-border cooperation of the countries under consideration. The information base of the study was made up of data from the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation and the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan, regional and national regulations characterizing cross-border cooperation of the analyzed countries. The results of the study represent a comprehensive assessment of the development of cross-border cooperation and recommendations for eliminating barriers to the development of cross-border cooperation in general. The scientific value of the work lies in a comprehensive understanding of the existing integration mechanisms in the border areas of Russia and Kazakhstan. The practical value of the work lies in the fact that the conclusions of the study may be of interest to the circle of persons engaged in scientific study of the development of cross-border cooperation between Russia and Kazakhstan, as well as for specialists of the relevant competent authorities of these countries.


102-115 1307

The current economic crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic is unprecedented, as it has affected many sectors of the economy. At the same time, first, the SME sector suffered from an economic crisis. The main burden of this crisis falls on the social sphere since it must not only adapt to new challenges but also develop following the requirements of the time. Therefore, the key tasks of today are a revision of the public health system, education, targeted social policy aimed at increasing incomes and improving the quality of life of the population, consolidation of efforts of the state, business, and NGOs to counter new challenges, digitalization of the economy, development of information technologies and their impact on the Kazakh labor market, rural development and modernization of social infrastructure. The world needs the power of social entrepreneurship-hyperactivity, new social changes, which excludes the traditional practice of solving social problems. The whole world is at the crossroads of many crises, so it is necessary to invest in convergent solutions that social entrepreneurs can implement. In these conditions, stimulating the development of social entrepreneurship becomes a fundamental tool for initiating social changes. The article analyzes the state of social entrepreneurship in the context of a pandemic, provides successful examples of solving social problems faced in the world, shows the urgent need for social entrepreneurship in healthcare and other areas as an alternative mechanism for solving social problems, and conducted research on the development of social entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan.

116-129 2032

In any developed country, the state pays special attention to the development of human capital, which has a positive effect on the quality of life and the efficiency of the economy. Kazakhstan is no exception. The current crisis conditions point to the need to create a system of social protection for the young unemployed since the future of independent Kazakhstan depends on youth. There have been significant changes in the structure of employment in Kazakhstan. The purpose of the study was to study and make recommendations on the development of the labor market based on the opinions of young people and employers in Kazakhstan. The online survey was conducted among working, self-employed and unemployed youth of 14 regions and 3 cities, namely, Nursultan, Almaty, Shymkent, seven districts of Atyrau region (Isatay, Makhambet, Kzylkoga, Kurmangazy, Inder, Makat, Zhylyoy). The public opinion of the youth of Kazakhstan on the problems of employment, youth labor market and labor migration are studied. Within the framework of the social partnership, the theoretical foundations of labor market regulation and its mechanisms were considered, the main causes of youth unemployment are considered, recommendations for the development of the youth labor market are given. The research has scientific value, as it makes a certain contribution to the development of the youth market. Professional training and retraining of young specialists, advanced training, informing young people about vacancies in institutions, improving the digitalization of the labor market are needed among young people.

130-142 639

The paper demonstrates the feasibility of innovative learning, which contributes to human capital. During the 2020-21 academic year, Kazakhstani universities rapidly moved to online learning due to the pandemic: teachers and students gain significant experience in digital technologies influencing human capital, which, in turn, contributes to the effectiveness of the educational institutions and the education as a whole. The use of digital technologies helps to preserve the educational infrastructure; on the other hand, digital credentials are developing. There are advantages and disadvantages to distant and blended learning approaches that influence student satisfaction. Student satisfaction scores could be insightful in extending the blended learning approach in educational programs after the pandemic.
The study aims to determine the role of innovative technologies to support the education-relevant elements of human capital during the pandemic. The literature review of articles is based on Elsevier, Springer, and Science Direct databases. To search the literature, we used the keywords “human capital,” “innovation,” and “online learning in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.” Qualitative and quantitative research was carried out among teachers and students of the Faculty of International Relations of al-Farabi KazNU. The research results demonstrate the attitude of teachers and students to distance learning. The introduction of innovative teaching methods for Kazakhstan in the face of blended learning can significantly reduce risks in an unpredictable environment. It is important to note that innovative educational technologies make the learning process flexible and adaptive. Credentials and skills acquired through online learning will be essential in the post-pandemic era.

143-159 706

The status of a single-parent family and the upbringing of a child with a disability generate social risks in most countries of the world. The article is aimed at identifying significant factors that determine the limitations of the human capital development possibilities in a single-parent family with disabled children in Kazakhstan. The authors applied the method of sociological survey of respondents in five regions of Kazakhstan. The interview is based on the methodology of international research, based on the allocation of four types of restrictions: direct costs per child, indirect losses of the household, assessment of the opportunity for the parent to find employment, and maintaining of his health. The results of the survey were processed by the method of structural modeling using the PLS-PM model, which includes four dependent variables. Single-parent families estimate the importance of benefits for a direct child costs four times higher than full families since a third of these families live only on transfers. Care allowances are considered by the parent in terms of replacing lost income, but the amount of the benefit is not related to the amount of care for the child. A parent in a single-parent family, more often than in a full one, connects his estimated long-term costs for the child’s future (vocational education) with indirect losses of the family. A statistically significant negative relationship between the available services (public or state-subsidized) for the parent in the field of physiological/ psychological health and his ability to maintain his health was revealed.

160-173 1976

In the context of the transition of the national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan to an innovative type of development, the issues of formation and development of human capital are becoming increasingly important. This research is devoted to assessing the regional differentiation of human capital in Kazakhstan and identifying the reasons that shape it. On the basis of factor analysis, a system of statistical indicators of human capital development level was developed. Because human capital is formed throughout the life of the population, the study was carried out according to the stages of accumulation, formation, and use of this capital. This article provides an assessment of human capital main indicators in the regions for 2010-2020. A method for measuring human capital based on quantitative and qualitative indicators of human development using the index method is proposed. The methodology includes economic, social, demographic, and environmental indicators of human capital. An integral index of the human capital of Kazakhstan’s regions has been developed, which includes four components and allows one to compare the level of human capital in regions of Kazakhstan. The typology of regions according to the level of human capital development is presented. A geodatabase of regions’ human capital has been created. The integral index of the human capital of Kazakhstan’s regions allows identifying territorial disproportions. Based on the results of the research, conclusions were drawn about the relationship between the level of human capital development and the level of socio-economic development of the Kazakhstan regions.

174-187 5469

Human potential assessment involves determining a person’s ability to live a healthy, long, and dignified life. The purpose of this article is to analyze the dynamics of the main indicators for measuring the human development index in Kazakhstan. The information base for scientific research was official statistical information, articles in domestic and foreign scientific publications. Within the framework of the study, general scientific, including analytical, statistical, graphical methods were used with the help of comparative, logical analysis tools. Within the framework of the analytical method, an analysis of indicators of the quality of life was carried out, including several blocks. The application of the analytical method made it possible to determine the trends of human development, assess the health, education level, and income level of people. Within the framework of the statistical method, the analysis and concretization of individual indicative indicators were carried out. During the study, a block of indicators for assessing the human development index (hereinafter referred to as the HDI) was identified, and their analysis and differentiation of levels by regions and types of localities was carried out. The analysis of the real gross product per capita and the indicator of real money income in Kazakhstan was carried out. As a result of the analysis of the quintile division of the population into groups, one of the main reasons for the increase in the existing inequality in income distribution was identified as the imperfection of the existing system of income redistribution in the economy.


188-207 1560

The rapid development of Internet marketing has led to the fact that the active population has become independent of a permanent place of work. Flexible forms of employment have become more popular now, as they allowed the employees to work efficiently, realize their labor potential. The current constraints associated with the pandemic have further increased the relevance of telecommuting. The purpose of the article is to identify and classify the main factors contributing to the growth of the freelance market. To achieve the goal, the methods of analysis and synthesis were used in the framework of the structural-functional approach. The paper reflects the prerequisites and reasons for the emergence of freelancing, and outlines the socio-economic role of freelancing in solving modern problems of employment. The conditions favorable for the active development of the freelance services market are considered, which were classified into price and non-price conditions. Particular attention is paid to the impact of the Internet on the development of freelance services. The authors proposed factors in the freelance market, represented by primary factors, demand factors, supply factors and factors of an individual nature. Within each group they are investigated and substantiated. These factors allowed the authors to form and identify measures aimed at stimulating the development of the freelance market in Kazakhstan. They also proposed to create a multifunctional Internet exchange and gave recommendations to determine its functionality and main characteristics. The implementation of them will provide the freelance market with the necessary digital platform.

208-217 730

The asset declaration contains valuable information to help uncover misconduct and illicit enrichment and to ensure that managers are held accountable, and their assets are not acquired through corruption. In general, the use of the electronic type of income declaration has a positive effect on combating corruption. Nevertheless, having numerous positive features, this species also contains a number of disadvantages and difficulties. Many states and international organizations are introducing declarations of income and assets to reduce the level of the shadow economy. As a result, it was revealed that in the states where the practice of declaring income and assets was introduced in the early period, the level of corruption crimes has been reduced. However, there is still debate about the adoption of this mechanism as an anti-corruption tool. This article examines not only the work of researchers in the field of declaring and combating corruption but also international research, the experience of which can also be used in Kazakhstan. This article examines the effectiveness of using the declaration of income and assets, including universal declaration, through electronic media to combat corruption. For the analysis, a SWOT analysis was selected, through which the main key points were assessed and recommendations were developed, especially for the Kazakhstan anti-corruption policy. The result of this analysis showed that the implementation of universal declaration through electronic resources is certainly an effective activity, but costs and challenges, such as cybersecurity, streamlining of business management processes, technical errors, and system failures, must also be taken into account.

218-229 606

The purpose of the article is to study the relationship between the income level and the quality of nutrition of the population of the republic, per capita consumption of basic foodstuffs by population groups with different disposable incomes, the main problems, and ways to solve them. The main source of information was the official data of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The theoretical basis of the research was the works of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of the level and quality of life, materials of the FAO. The study was conducted using general scientific methods of cognition, as well as special methods of economic and statistical analysis - grouping, graphical research method, ranking of the dynamic series, calculated indicators of the analysis of dynamic series. The scientific novelty of the study is to assess the impact of changes in disposable income on the concentration and differentiation of income of the population, food consumption in different income groups of the population of the republic. The authors analyzed the main modern concepts of measuring the standard of living and selected the most acceptable information from the point of view of accessibility, which was the basis of the study. The results of the study can be used in the formation of medium- and long-term programs to increase the income and quality of nutrition of the population, as well as a basis for further research in this direction.

ISSN 1997-9967 (Print)
ISSN 2663-550X (Online)